Electronic Supplement to
Model Validations and Comparisons of the Next Generation Attenuation of Ground Motions (NGA-West) Project

by James Kaklamanos and Laurie G. Baise


Additional Information on Testing Datasets

The electronic supplement to this article contains four supplemental tables (available as HTML tables and as .csv files) that contain information about the earthquakes and ground motion data used in our analyses. Table S1 (a "mini-flatfile") contains the data for the 1060 ground motion records used in our blind comparison tests, using data from seven recent earthquakes recorded in California. Tables S2 to S4 contain details on the subsets used to test the ground motion prediction equations, including the number of ground motion records in each category from each earthquake. Table S2 describes the mainshocks from the NGA flatfile, Table S3 describes the aftershocks from the NGA flatfile, and Table S4 describes the seven earthquakes used in the blind comparisons.

Table Descriptions

Table S1. Mini-flatfile of the 1060 ground motion records used in the blind comparison tests. As explained in the article, the data are from seven recent California-recorded earthquakes not present in any of the databases used to develop the NGA models: the (1) 2003 M 6.5 San Simeon, (2) 2004 M 6.0 Parkfield, (3) 2005 M 5.2 Anza, (4) 2007 M 5.4 Alum Rock, (5) 2008 M 5.4 Chino Hills, (6) 2010 M 7.2 Baja, and (7) 2010 M 5.7 Ocotillo earthquakes. The column headers of this table are designed to be similar to those in the NGA flatfile (Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, http://peer.berkeley.edu/ngawest/index.html).

Table S2. Information on the mainshocks in the NGA flatfile used in our testing subsets. For each earthquake, we list the numbers of records in the following subsets: (a) subdivision by site class: soil sites (180 < Vs30 < 450 m/s) and rock sites (450 < Vs30 < 1300 m/s); (b) subdivision by distance: small distance (Rrup < 10 km), medium distance (10 < Rrup < 100 km), and large distance (100 < Rrup < 200 km); (c) subdivision by magnitude: small magnitude (5 < M < 6.5) and large magnitude (6.5 < M < 8); (d) sites with measured Vs profiles versus sites with inferred Vs profiles; and (e) a special subset consisting of rock sites with small-to-medium distances in order to test the ten models simultaneously.

Table S3. Information on the aftershocks in the NGA flatfile used in our testing subsets. For each earthquake, we list the numbers of records included on soil sites (180 < Vs30 < 450 m/s) and rock sites (450 < Vs30 < 1300 m/s).

Table S4. Information on the seven earthquakes used in our blind comparison tests. For each earthquake, we list the numbers of records in the following subsets: (a) subdivision by site class: soil sites (180 < Vs30 < 450 m/s) and rock sites (450 < Vs30 < 1300 m/s); (b) subdivision by distance: small distance (Rrup < 10 km), medium distance (10 < Rrup < 100 km), and large distance (100 < Rrup < 200 km); and (c) a special subset consisting of rock sites with small-to-medium distances in order to test the ten models simultaneously. See Table S1 for the ground motion database.


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