Electronic Supplement to
The 2013 Lushan Earthquake in China Tests Hazard Assessments

by Mian Liu, Gang Luo, and Hui Wang

This electronic supplement includes 1) the earthquake hazard map of the region, 2) more details of the models for calculating changes of stress, and 3) elastic block models for calculating seismic moments.

  1. Numerical model for Coulomb stress changes

    We used the three-dimensional visco-elasto-plastic finite element model of Luo and Liu (2010) to calculate coseismic and postseismic Coulomb stress changes shown in Figure 2. The finite element mesh and boundary conditions are shown in Figure S2.

    Earthquakes are simulated as the result of strain softening when rocks in the fault zone are loaded to their yield stress (Jaeger et al., 2007; Yin and Zhang, 1982). To avoid the influence of arbitrary initial conditions (zero initial stress), we loaded the model domain to a quasi-steady state to produce a background stress field. The predicted background stress is validated by its consistency with the regional stress field indicated by earthquake focal mechanisms.To model historic earthquakes, we used their moment releases, estimated from their magnitudes, to constrain coseismic slip.

  2. Moment balance

    The method and model used for balancing moment on the regional faults are given by Wang et al. (2010). We used a three-dimensional elastic block model (Meade, 2007) and GPS data (Gan et al., 2007) to calculate slip rates on simplified fault systems in the Tibetan Plateau and surrounding regions (Figure S3). With the slip rates and the optimal locking depths for each faults determined by χ2 fitting, we calculated the rate of moment (M0) accumulation on each fault segment: M0=μ|s|A, where s is the slip, A is the area of locked fault plane, and μ is the shear modulus. Moment deficit or surplus is derived from comparison of moment accumulation with seismic moment release by previous large earthquakes (Table S1) on the fault segments over the same periods.


Figure S1. Earthquake hazard map by Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program. Empty star is the epicenter of the 2008 Wenchaun earthquake (rupture zone outlined by solid lines); solid star and the enclosing box show the epicenter and rupture zone of the 2013 Lushan earthquake.

Figure S2. Geodynamic model for calculating stress changes by earthquakes. (a) Mesh and boundary conditions for the three-dimensional finite element model. (b) Finite element representation of the fault zones. LMSF: Longmenshan fault; HYF: Haiyuan fault; KLF: Kunlun fault; MJF: Minjiang fault; XSHF: Xianshuihe fault; ANHF: Anninghe fault.

Figure S3. Elastic block model (solid lines) and GPS velocities relative to stable Eurasia (arrows with error ellipse at 95% confidence interval).


Table S1. Earthquakes of M ≥ 6.0 used in stress and moment calculations.

Region Date Magnitude (Ms) Epicenter Location*
Longitude Latitude
Eastern Kunlun fault 1879-07-01 8.0 104.7 33.2 south of Wudu
1881-07-20 6.5 104.6 33.6 Lixian
1937-01-07 7.5 97.6 35.5 Tuosuo
1963-04-19 7.0 97.0 35.7 Alake
1971-03-24 6.3 98.10 35.45 Tuosuo Lake
Longmen Shan-Minshan fault 1933-08-25 7.5 103.7 32.0 Diexi
1938-03-14 6.0 103.6 32.3 south of Songpan
1941-06-12 6.0 102.5 30.1 Luding
1958-02-08 6.2 104.3 31.7 Beichuan
1960-11-09 6.8 103.66 32.78 Zhangla
1970-02-24 6.2 103.2 30.6 Dayi
1973-08-11 6.5 103.9 32.93 Huanglong
1976-08-16 7.2 104.13 32.61 Songpan
1976-08-22 6.7 104.4 32.6 Songpan
1976-08-23 7.2 104.3 32.5 Songpan
Xianshuihe fault 1893-08-29 7.2 101.5 30.6 Daofu
1904-08-30 7.0 101.1 31.0 Daofu
1919-05-29 6.3 100.5 31.5 Daofu
1919-08-26 6.2 100.0 32.0 Ganze
1923-03-24 7.2 100.8 31.3 Daofu
1930-04-28 6.0 100.0 32.0 Ganze
1932-03-07 6.0 101.8 30.1 Kangding
1955-04-14 7.5 101.9 30.0 Kangding
1967-08-30 6.8 100.3 31.6 Luhuo
1967-08-30 6.6 100.23 31.63 Luhuo
1973-02-06 7.6 100.24 31.5 Luhuo
1973-02-08 6.0 100.5 31.6 Luhuo
1981-01-24 6.9 101.1 31.0 Daofu
1982-06-16 6.0 99.75 31.86 Ganze
Anninghe fault 1489-01-03 6.8 102.21 28.00 Xichang
1536-03-29 7.5 102.19 28.23 Xichang
1952-09-30 6.8 102.18 28.41 Mianning
Outsider the fault 1920-12-16 8.5 105.7 36.7 Haiyuan
1935-07-26 6.0 101.1 33.3 Jiuzi
1941-10-08 6.0 102.3 31.7 Heishui
1947-03-17 7.7 99.5 33.3 Dari
1949-06-15 6.0 100.0 33.3 Banma
1952-11-01 6.0 101.0 33.3 Jiuzi
1989-09-22 6.5 102.51 31.58 north of Xiaojin
1995-12-18 6.2 97.3 34.6 Guoluo

Shaded events are included in the stress calculations for Figure 2c-d.

*Earthquake data sources: (Chen et al., 1994; Division of Earthquake Monitoring and Prediction, 1999; Wen et al., 2008).


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