References are given below the table. Further information can be obtained by emailing the corresponding author, Neil D. Selby <>.
a | This study |
b | Maximum-likelihood mb from recalculation of ISC bulletin, method of Lilwall and Neary (1986) |
c | Selby and Bowers (2007) |
d | Marshall et al. (1986) |
e | Lilwall et al. (1988) |
f | Selby and Bowers (2009) |
g | Bowers et al. (2002) |
h | Douglas et al. (2002) |
i | Marshall et al. (1979) |
j | Blacknest Ms from WWSSN and other global stations |
k | Blacknest Ms from LSRM stations |
l | Basham and Marshall (1972) |
m | Ms measured at Blacknest station WOL |
n | Lilwall and Marshall (1986) |
o | Liebermann and Pomeroy (1967) |
p | Douglas , Marshall and Young (1993). |
q | Douglas, Marshall and Jones (1993). |
r | mb estimated from teleseismically-calibrated regional observations, Marshall et al. 1990 |
s | Marshall et al. 1994. |
t | Marshall et al. 1984. |
u | Ringdal, Marshall and Alewine (1992). |
x | Other Blacknest magnitude |
y | mb from International Seismological Centre bulletin |
z | Joint-maximum-likelihood mb calculated at Blacknest. |
Basham, P.W., and P.D. Marshall, 1972. Seism. Series. Earth Phys. Branch No. 63, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Earth Physics Branch, Ottawa, Canada.
Bowers, D., A. Douglas, N.D. Selby, P.D. Marshall, D. Porter, and N.J. Wallis, 2002. Seismological identification of the 1998 May 28 Pakistan nuclear test. Geophys. J. Int., 150, 153-161.
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Douglas, A., N.D. Selby, and D. Bowers, 2002. Seismic magnitude and yield for the Indian nuclear test of 11 May 1998. Current Science, 83, 998-992.
Liebermann, R.C., and P.W. Pomeroy, 1967. Excitation of surface waves by events in southern Algeria. Science, 156, 1098-1100.
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Lilwall, R.C., P.D. Marshall, and D.W. Rivers, 1988. Body wave magnitudes of some underground nuclear explosions at the Nevada (USA) and Shagan River (USSR) test sites. AWE Report O15/88.
Marshall P.D., D.L. Springer, and H.C. Rodean. 1979. Magnitude corrections for attenuation in the upper mantle. Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 57, 609-638.
Marshall, P.D., T.C. Bache, and R.C. Lilwall, 1984. Body Wave Magnitudes and Locations of Soviet Underground Explosions at the Semipalatinsk Test Site. AWRE Report O16/84.
Marshall, P.D., R.C. Lilwall, and J. Farthing, 1986. Body wave magnitude and locations of underground nuclear explosions at the Nevada test site. AWRE Report O21/86.
Marshall, P.D., R.C. Lilwall and J. Farthing, 1990. Estimates of the Teleseismic Magnitudes of some early Nevada Test Site Explosions. AWE Report O13/90.
Marshall, P.D., D. Porter, J.B. Young and P.A. Peachell, 1994. Analysis of short-period seismograms from explosions at the Novaya Zemlya test site in Russia. AWE Report O2/94.
Ringdal, F., P. Marshall, and R. Alewine, 1992. Seismic yield determination of Soviet underground nuclear explosions at the Shagan River test site. Geophys. J. Int., 109, 65-77.
Selby, N.D., and D. Bowers, 2007. Implications of the 9 October 2006 North Korean Nuclear Test for Event Screening. Seism. Res. Lett. 78, 253.
Selby, N.D., and D. Bowers, 2009. UK National Data Centre Analysis of the 2006 and 2009 DPRK Nuclear Tests, and Implications for Event Screening in the Context of the CTBT. Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S31C-1735.
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