
Haeussler et al., 2004, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

Field photo: HS-500 P1010002 peter.jpg

A turf mat right-laterally offset about 1.1m within the Denali-Totschunda faults step-over zone. Uphill is to the northeast, downhill is to the southwest. Site HS-500, km 235.54. Photo by P. Haeussler.

Field photo: HS-500 P1010003 peter.jpg

A turf mat right-laterally offset about 1.1m within the Denali-Totschunda faults step-over zone. Uphill is to the northeast, downhill is to the southwest. Site HS-500, km 235.54. Photo by P. Haeussler.

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