Electronic Supplement to
3-D Interdisciplinary Visualization: Tools for Scientific Analysis and Communication

by A. M. Jacobs, D. Kilb, and G. M. Kent


Table 1. A list of the modular object files (i.e., sd files) in the global earthquake scene.
Visual Object File Name Data Type
(e.g., point, line, surface, text)
Symbol/Color Indicators Description
worldoutline.sd lines gray lines Outline of the continents
globalquakes_mag.sd points colored spheres Earthquakes colored by magnitude
globalquakes_year.sd points colored spheres Earthquakes colored by year
BigCities10up.sd points large white octagons Cities with population of 10+ million people
BigCities10upnames.sd points and text red octagons and text Names of cities with population of 10+ million people
BigCities8_9.sd points red cylinders Cities with population of 8-9 million
BigCities8_9names.sd points and text large white octagon and text Names of cities with 8-9 million people
BigCities7_8.sd points medium white octagons Cities with population of 7-8 million people
BigCities6_7.sd points small white octagons Cities with population of 6-7 million people
transform.sd lines yellow lines Transform fault tectonic boundaries
ridge.sd lines cyan lines Divergent tectonic boundaries
trench.sd lines pink lines Convergent tectonic boundaries
hotspot.sd points red diamonds Hot spot locations
Tonga Label.sd
Aleutian Trench.sd
Chile-Peru Trench.sd
Java Trench.sd
Izu-Bonin Trench.sd
Mariana Trench.sd
text white text Identifies certain trenches
topoHH6.sd surface colored surface Topography of the world colored by elevation


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