Electronic Supplement to
Possible Triggered Seismicity Signatures Associated with the Vrancea Intermediate-Depth Strong Earthquakes (Southeast Carpathians, Romania)

by Horia Mitrofan, Florina Chitea, Mirela-Adriana Anghelache, and Madalina Visan

Table S1. Major Intermediate-Depth VSZ Earthquakes of the 1977-1991 Period and the Strongest Events (Mw≥3.2) Occurred in the MGBL Shallow Domain after each of them

Intermediate-Depth (≥60 km) VSZ Strong Earthquakes (Mw≥6.9) Mw≥3.2 Earthquakes Subsequently Occurred at Shallow Depth (<60 km) within the MGBL
Time of Occurrence a (km) Mwa Time of Occurrence Epicenter Coordinatesb Depth (km) Magnitude
Latitude N Longitude E ROM+ ISC PDE ROM+ ISC PDE
  Err (km)   Errc (km)   Mw mb mb
4 Mar 1977 19:21 94.0 7.4 16 Mar 1979 2:32 46.13 27.46 33.0 - - - 33.0 3.4 - 3.8
14 Apr 1979 8:07 45.6645 27.7129 9.9 - 33.0 - - 3.4 - -
6 Jun 1979 11:59 45.8577 27.3397 53.5 - 48.1 10.1 53.0 3.8 - 3.4
6 Jun 1979 14:47 45.7377 27.3919 50.0 - 33.0 - - 3.2 - -
7 Jun 1979 21:20 45.8625 27.4025 31.6 - 31.9 7.6 32.0 4.1 - 3.2
7 Jun 1979 21:26 45.7738 27.2992 22.5 - 19.1 8.5 23.0 3.9 - -
7 Jun 1979 21:41 45.7030 27.5158 33.0 - 32.6 17.4 33.0 3.8 - -
29 Jun 1979 1:54 45.8746 27.3515 10.0 - 10.0 - 10.0 3.5 - -
8 Aug 1979 0:24 45.8647 27.2242 39.0 - 39.0 - 39.0 3.9 - 3.3
8 Jul 1985 13:25 46.0666 27.4249 5.0 6.0 27.3 7.2 27.0 3.3 - -
30 Aug 1986 1:28 131.4 7.1 19 Jul 1987 2:18 45.5330 27.6368 15.0 - 37.2 6.2 40.2 4.4 4.8 4.1
30 Aug 1987 6:07 45.7468 27.2518 49.8 - 56.0 - 56.0 3.5 - -
28 Dec 1989 22:22 45.7259 27.1243 33.4 8.6 26.5 10.1 33.0 3.2 - -
30 May 1990 10:40 90.9 6.9 19 Jul 1990 4:08 46.2368 27.1864 0.0 0.0 10.0 - 52.0 3.3 - 3.3
14 Oct 1990 13:17 45.9187 26.9765 20.2 0.0 49.2 8.1 39.9 3.4 4.6 4.2
11 Nov 1990 10:51 46.0253 27.1303 16.1 5.0 25.4 7.2 33.0 3.4 - 3.4
7 Aug 1991 9:17 46.0793 27.2087 5.8 7.4 10.0 - 25.7 3.2 - 3.6
ROM+ , ISC and PDE indicate that the corresponding data were provided by the ROMPLUS catalog, by the International Seismological Centre, and by the PDE catalog of the NEIS/NEIC respectively. a according to the ROMPLUS catalog b according to the ISC reviewed catalog; where not available (event on 16 Mar 1979), the coordinates were retrieved from the ROMPLUS catalog c not indicated for fixed depth

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