You have registered as PAY LATER for the SSA Annual Meeting from 14-18 April 2025 in Baltimore, Maryland.
You will receive an email with the payment instructions listed below.
To help a student, early-career or international attendee, please consider donating to the Annual Meeting Travel Grant Fund.
USGS EMPLOYEES: Once you receive approval, please follow the instructions below to submit payment.
- Log in and access your payment dashboard at
- Click the “Pay Now” button next to your meeting registration to pay via credit card.
TO PAY BY CHECK OR WIRE, please submit your payment within two weeks using the instructions below.
To Pay by Check:
Checks should be U.S. funds and made payable to Seismological Society of America.
Write the registrant’s name in the check memo and mail it to:
Seismological Society of America c/o Registration
400 Evelyn Avenue, Suite 201
Albany, CA 94706-1375 USA
To Pay by Wire:
Send an email to noting the registrant’s name, date of transfer and wire amount.
Account Name: Seismological Society of America
Account Number: 362766930
Chase Bank
9950 San Pablo Avenue El Cerrito, CA 94530, United States
U.S. Based Domestic Transfers use Chase ABA Routing/Transit Number: 021000021
Non-U.S. International Transfers use Chase Swift Code: CHASUS33
*If your bank deducts a fee, please increase your wire by that amount
Thank You!