SSA 2021 Presenter Instructions

SSA 2021 is a virtual meeting, so the method of accessing your presentation may be different than you have come to expect. Please read on for important details!

Download these instructions as a printable PDF [68 KB]

Oral Presenters

Accessing the Annual Meeting website

On Wednesday, 14 April, you will receive an email from Pathable, subject line “Access SSA 2021,”  which includes a special log-in link that will allow you to enter our online meeting. The email will be sent to the address associated with your abstract.

Your login link is unique to you, so do not share it. You can only log in from one device at a time

If by the end of the day on Wednesday, 14 April you cannot find the email in your inbox or spam folder, contact SSA at

To navigate the meeting, use a desktop computer with Google ChromeMicrosoft Edge or Firefox. Please do not use Safari or Internet Explorer to attend SSA 2021.

This link does not give you access to your live session. Please read on.

Structure of Oral Sessions

Oral sessions at SSA 2021 feature five 15-minute presentations by speakers who each present for 12 minutes (pre-recorded) and answer questions for three minutes. At the conclusion of the 75-minute session, there will be a 30-minute discussion for further Q&A and general discussion.  

The 75-minute session will be recorded and made available within about one hour of the session. The post-session discussion will not be recorded.

Participating in your Session:

Thirty minutes prior to the start of your session, you will join the Zoom room set up by our AV company, Projection. You will not go to the meeting website to present in the session. 

Find your Session Access Link

Today, our production team will send you an email Zoom invitation for your session(s) from If you do not see your invitation by this evening Pacific time, please email

On the day of your session, access your session by selecting the link in that email. You will then automatically be prompted to open Zoom. Do not share this link–it is only for presenters. 

All presenters must join their session 30-minutes early for a technical check and for any last-minute instructions.

To navigate the meeting, use a desktop computer with Google ChromeMicrosoft Edge or Firefox. Please do not use Safari or Internet Explorer to attend SSA 2021.

Update your Software

  • Make sure you have the newest version of Zoom installed on the computer you will use at the meeting. Download Zoom and updates here:
  • If you are unable to install Zoom, you can join via the web interface. Please only use this option if you are unable to download Zoom to your computer.

Prepare your Environment

  • Place your webcam at eye level and center yourself in the viewfinder.
  • Choose a neutral background. 
  • Place your light source in front of you, not behind you.
  • Look directly into the camera when presenting.
  • Eliminate background noise and put phones or electronic devices in airplane mode.
  • If possible, use a headset.

In order to view chat questions submitted during your session, open your session page on the meeting website in a new browser window. This step isn’t required since the session convener will convey questions to you during the three-minute Q&A period that follows your talk. 

A reminder about professional courtesy:  If you do review chat questions during the main session, we ask that you refrain from responding to questions when other speakers’ are delivering their talks.

Remember: To access your oral session, use the special link in the invitation email from Projection. Please do not go to the Annual Meeting website to access your session. 

Access the Post-session Discussion

After the main session ends, enter the follow-up 30-minute discussion, which takes place in a Zoom room on the meeting platform. To access it: 

  • Exit the Zoom room.
  • Find your session page on the Annual Meeting website.
  • Under the video, select the button that is pulsating green and reads: “Join this live meeting. Click here to join now.”
  • If for some reason you do not see this button, select the “Reserve Spot” button on the top right corner of your screen.
  • You will be brought to the discussion, where you will be able to see and speak with attendees live.

Start the Discussion

Your abstract page offers a text chat, where attendees can ask you questions at any point during the week. SSA recommends you start the chat on your abstract page by welcoming attendees and giving them a brief introduction to your work. 

Need Support?

If you need technical support related to giving your oral presentation, please contact

If you have a technical problem when accessing the Annual Meeting website platform,  contact our Event Specialist. Find the “Help Desk” menu item at top of the SSA 2021 Meeting homepage and select “Help Desk” from the drop-down menu.

If you have any other questions about your presentation during the event, please contact SSA at

Poster Session Presenters

As of 14 April, all attendees may access the meeting platform and view posters and related videos. Your abstract page offers a text chat, where attendees can ask you questions at any point during the week. SSA recommends you start the chat on your abstract page by welcoming attendees and giving them a brief introduction to your work. 

In addition, you have been assigned an hour when you are expected to be available to answer questions live via a Zoom Room on the meeting platform. Please do not miss this hour, since attendees will join to ask you questions face-to-face. You received notice of the scheduled hour in an email last February, and the time is also listed next to your abstract on the meeting website. 

Accessing the Annual Meeting website

On Wednesday, 14 April, look for an email from our online meeting platform Pathable, subject line “Access SSA 2021,” which includes a special log-in link that will allow you to enter the online meeting. The email will be sent to the address associated with your abstract.

Your log-in link is unique to you, so do not share it. You can only log in from one device at a time.

If by the end of the day on Wednesday, you cannot find the email in your inbox or spam folder, contact SSA at

Participating in your Poster Hour

Update your Software

  • Make sure you have the newest version of Zoom installed on the computer you will use at the meeting. Download Zoom and any updates here:

Prepare your Environment

  • Place your webcam at eye level and center yourself in the viewfinder.
  • Choose a neutral background. 
  • Place your light source in front of you, not behind you.
  • Look directly into the camera when presenting.
  • Eliminate background noise and put phones or electronic devices in airplane mode.
  • If possible, use a headset.

Join your Zoom Room

Your poster hour will be run through the meeting platform website, which uses Zoom. You are the host of the Zoom: You will be able to see all attendees, mute attendees as needed, etc., just as you would in a regular Zoom room. 

You may join your Zoom twenty minutes before your poster hour begins, so you can make sure you are prepared for the live event.

To access your poster hour:

  • Navigate to the program schedule on the meeting website.
  • Open your abstract page. 
  • Twenty minutes before your scheduled hour, you may select the button that says “Join Meeting,” which will allow you to join the meeting early. 
  • If you do not see this button, select the “Reserve Spot” button on the top right corner of your screen.
  • Attendees will be able to access the Zoom at the start time of your poster hour. 

Again, please do not miss this hour, since attendees will join live to ask you questions.

Need Support?

If you are experiencing a technical issue with attending the meeting or accessing your  poster hour, contact our  Event Specialist team. Find the “Help Desk” menu item at top of the SSA 2021 Meeting homepage and select “Help Desk” from the drop-down menu.

If you have any other questions about your presentation during the event, please contact SSA at