Annual Meeting Travel Grants

SSA is proud to offer student and international travel grants to our 2020 Annual Meeting. Travel grants cover the cost of meeting registration and provide a modest cash award. We have several Society-funded travel grants open for applications:

  • Student Travel Grants are available to SSA student members from inside or outside the USA who must travel more than 500 km (311 miles) to attend the meeting.
  • International Travel Grants are available to SSA members who are not students and who must travel from outside the US to attend the SSA meeting.
  • ESC/SSA Travel Grants are available to anyone traveling from a member-state of the European Seismological Commission. This grant is provided under a cooperative agreement between SSA and ESC. Click here to see the list of ESC member-states.

Applications will be accepted until the deadline, 30 November at 5 p.m. PT.

All applicants will be asked to submit an applicant essay, a draft itinerary and an abstract as first author. All travel grant recipients must present their work in either an oral or poster session at the meeting. Only one application per institution may be awarded.

  • Student applicants must have a faculty advisor submit a one-to-two paragraph letter of support to by the 30 November deadline.

Review a Sample Application [4 MB].

Travel Grant Recipients 2018

Past Annual Meeting Grants

See our past travel grant recipients.
Isabel Hong

Travel Grant Stories

Hear from our past travel grant recipients.