Student Presentation Awards
2011 Winners
The 2011 SSA Student Presentation Awards were given based on evaluation by the Student Award subcommittee, made up of Laurie Baise (Tufts University), Michael Brudzinski (Miami University of Ohio), Ray Cakir (Washington State Department of Natural Resources), Martin Chapman (Virginia Tech), James Dewey (USGS Golden), Peggy Hellweg (University of California Berkeley), Steve Horton (The University of Memphis), Christine Powell (The University of Memphis), Leonardo Ramirez-Guzman (USGS Golden), and Thomas Pratt, chair (USGS Seattle), who on behalf of the committee extends thanks to the committee chairs who completed evaluation forms. From among a total of 65 student presentations evaluated at the 2011 SSA Annual Meeting in Memphis, Tennessee, the subcommittee chose the following eight for recognition:
Annemarie Baltay
Stanford University
Comparison of RMS-acceleration and Brune Stress Drops for Crustal Earthquakes in Japan
Kevin Chao
Georgia Institute of Technology
Julien Chaput
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Thomas Goebel
University of Southern California
Julian C. Lozos
University of California Riverside
Paul Otieno Ogwari
The University of Memphis
Effects of Style of Faulting on Earthquake Ground Motions in NMSZ