Past Annual Meeting Travel Grant Recipients

2025 Travel Grant Recipients

These travel grants are made possible by member contributions to the Kanamori Fund and the Annual Meeting Travel Grant Fund.

SSA awarded 23 student, early-career and international members travel grants to attend the Annual Meeting in Baltimore, MD from 14 April – 18 April 2025:

Student Travel Grant Recipients:
Meera L Kota, University of California, Los Angeles
Elizabeth U Sunday, Iowa State University
Yangtianli (Zoe) Zhou, Rice University
Gabriela Zaldivar Andrade, University of Utah
Najme Alidadi, University of Memphis
Wilnelly Ventura-Valentín, Miami University 
Fabian Kutschera, University of California, San Diego
Sofia DaSilva, University of Rhode Island
Katleho Ramotso, University of Arizona
Melissa Herazo, University of Puerto Rico
Sajan KC, University of Southern California
Andriniaina Tahina Rakotoarisoa, Institute and Observatory of Geophysics of Antananarivo 
Emuobosa Ojoboh, University of Tulsa
Stephane Landry Kwega Ghomsi, University of Yaounde 1

Early Career Travel Grant Recipients:
Umar Afegbua Kadiri, Centre for Geodesy and Geodynamics
Congcong Yuan, Cornell University
Irene Liou, University of California, Davis 

International Travel Grant Recipients:
Baigalimaa Ganbat, Mongolian Academy of Sciences 
Boris Rösler, Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education at Ensenada
Yuchen Wang, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology

European Seismological Commission/SSA Travel Grant Recipients:
Emanuele Bozzi, University of Pisa
Chiara Nardoni, University of Bologna
Alice R. Turner, University of Cambridge

2024 Travel Grant Recipients

These travel grants are made possible by member contributions to the Kanamori Fund, the Joyner Fund and the Annual Meeting Travel Grant Fund.

SSA awarded 21 student, early-career and international members travel grants to attend the Annual Meeting in Anchorage, Alaska from 29 April – 3 May 2024:

Student Travel Grant Recipients:
Jean-Joel Legre, University of Rochester
Megumi Fujimoto, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Liuwei Xu, University of California, Los Angeles
Himanshu Agrawal, University of Edinburgh
Valeria Cortés Rivas, Northern Arizona University
Luce Lacoua, University of Otago
Sandra Donna Catugas, University of the Philippines Diliman
Yurong Zhang, Michigan State University
Cristina Lorenzo-Velazquez, North Carolina State University
Siobhan Niklasson, New Mexico Tech/Los Alamos National Laboratory
Cherilyn Toro Acosta, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez
Erica Pietroniro, University of Ottawa
Codee-Leigh Williams, Victoria University of Wellington

Early Career Travel Grant Recipients:
Katleen Wils, University of Innsbruck
Swasti Saxena, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Shujuan Mao, Stanford University

International Travel Grant Recipients:
Boris A. Rösler, Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education at Ensenada
Adrián-David García-Soto, University of Guanajuato, Mexico
Shihao Yuan, Victoria University of Wellington
Arsène Tumaini Sadiki, Goma Volcano Observatory

European Seismological Commission/SSA Travel Grant Recipients:
Elena Pascual-Sánchez, Universidad Complutense of Madrid

2023 Travel Grant Recipients

These travel grants are made possible by member contributions to the Kanamori Fund, the General Fund and the Annual Meeting Travel Grant Fund.

SSA awarded 22 student, early-career and international members travel grants to attend the Annual Meeting in Puerto Rico from 17-20 April 2023:

Student Travel Grant Recipients:
Evan O. Marschall, University of California-Riverside
Chrispin Gabriel, University of Kentucky
Steve A.B. Carr, University of Rochester
Anna M. Ledeczi, University of Washington
Doriane Drolet, University of British Columbia
Marwa Safa, Gustave Eiffel University
Melish Kayastha, University of Memphis
Alysha Armstrong, University of Utah
Margarita M. Solares-Colón, University of Oregon
Christ Faviana Ramos Sanchez, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Pablo A. Aravena, Saint Louis University
Miguel Neves, Georgia Institute of Technology
Lucia Andreuttiova, University College London
Andrea Paz Navarro-Aránguiz, Universidad de Chile
Sarah El Kadri, Université Grenoble Alpes
Ian Vandevert, University of California-San Diego
Danielle Lindsay, University of California-Berkeley
Lucia Gonzalez, University of Texas at El Paso

Early Career Travel Grant Recipients:
Sergio Leon-Rios, Universidad de Chile
Voon Hui, Australian National University

International Travel Grant Recipients:
Somak Hazra, University of Alberta

European Seismological Commission/SSA Travel Grant Recipients:
Sergio Gammaldi, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia

2022 Travel Grant Recipients

SSA announced 21 student, early-career and international members will receive travel grants to attend the 2022 Annual Meeting, held in Bellevue, Washington 19–23 April 2022.

These travel grants are made possible by member contributions to the Kanamori Fund, the General Fund and the Student Travel Fund.

The recipients of the 2022 Annual Meeting travel grants are as follows:

Student Travel Grants
Louisa Olivia Brotherson, University of Liverpool
Andrea Bryant, University of Chicago
Elizabeth Rose Curtiss, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Rebecca A. Fildes, University of California, Davis
Molly M. Gallahue, Northwestern University
Erika Jaski, Colorado State University
Jean-Joel B. Legre, University of Rochester
Nongmaithem Menaka Chanu, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Eunbi Mun, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
Andrea P. Navarro-Aránguiz, Universidad de Chile
Jan Premus, Charles University in Prague
Ayako Tsuchiyama, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Reynaldo Vite Sanchez, Colorado School of Mines
Xiaozhuo Wei, University of Rhode Island
Paulina Wozniakowska, University of Calgary

Early-career Travel Grant
Zoya Farajpour, The University of Memphis
Angela G. Marusiak, Caltech/JPL
Diana Núñez, University of Guadalajara
Jiong Wang, The University of Chicago

ESC/SSA Travel Grant
Sreeram Reddy Kotha, Institut des Sciences de la Terre

International Travel Grant
Qi Ou, University of Oxford

2021 Travel Grant Recipients

SSA announced 19 student, early-career and international members will receive travel grants to attend the 2021 Annual Meeting,  held virtually 19–23 April 2021.

These travel grants are made possible by member contributions to the Kanamori Fund, the General Fund and the Student Travel Fund. Grant recipients receive complimentary conference registration and a cash stipend for transportation, food and lodging.

The recipients of the 2021 Annual Meeting travel grants are as follows:

Student Travel Grant (funded by the Student Travel Grant Fund and General Fund)
Jeng Hann Chong, California State University Northridge
Vivien He, Palos Verdes Peninsula High School
Avigyan Chatterjee, University of Oregon
Bryant Chow, Victoria University of Wellington
Ziqi Zhang, University of Rochester
Guilherme Weber Sampaio de Melo, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
Sandra Patricia Rosero-Rueda, University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez
Siyu Xue, University of Rochester
Tara Nye, University of Oregon
Chunyang Ji, NC State University
Alexander Chanksy, Tufts University
Rebecca Colquhoun, University of Oxford
Vivian G. Rosas, University of Texas at El Paso
Audrey M. Dunham, University of Arizona

International Travel Grant (funded by the Kanamori Fund)
Ramees R. Mir, CSIR Fourth Paradigm Institute
John Dale B. Dianala, University of the Philippines

European Seismological Commission/SSA Travel Grant (funded by the Kanamori Fund)
Elena F. Manea, National Institute for Earth Physics
Benjamin Fernando, University of Oxford

Early-career Travel Grant
Avinash Nayak, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

SSA continues to seek donations to meet the high demand for travel grants. If you would like to contribute, follow the link below.

Support Travel Grants

2019 Travel Grant Recipients

Thanks to generous support from our members, SSA provided travel grants to twenty-one student, international and ESC members to attend our 2019 Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington, held 23–26 April 2019.

These travel grants were made possible by member contributions to the Kanamori Fund, the General Fund and the Student Travel Fund. Grant recipients received complimentary conference registration and a cash stipend for transportation, food and lodging. The recipients of the 2019 travel grants are as follows:

Student Travel Grant (funded by the Student Travel Grant Fund and General Fund)
Lauren S. Abrahams, Stanford University
Ariana L. Astorga, UGA/CNRS/IFSTTAR/ISTerre
Han Bao, University of California, Los Angeles
Ian P. Cooper, Weston Observatory, Boston College
Rachel L. Hatch, University of Nevada, Reno
David Heath, Colorado State University
Isabel Hong, Rutgers University
Michael Mann, Cornell University
Samantha Marie Palmer, University of Western Ontario
Jason S. Padgett, University of Rhode Island
Marshall Pontrelli, Tufts University
John M. Rekoske, U.S. Geological Survey, Colorado School of Mines
Joel D. Simon, Princeton University
Drake M. Singleton, San Diego State University and UC San Diego 
Jiong Wang, UC Santa Barbara
Nan Wang, San Diego State University
Zongbo Xu, Boise State University
Zhengyang Zhou, Washington University in St. Louis

International Travel Grant (funded by the Kanamori Fund)
Lepolt Linkimer, Universidad de Costa Rica
Chuanbin Zhu, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences

European Seismological Commission/SSA Travel Grant (funded by the Kanamori Fund)
Elif Tuerker, University of Potsdam

If you would like to show your support of SSA student members please consider making a tax deductible contribution to the SSA Student Travel Grant Fund today!

2018 Travel Grant Recipients

SSA provided travel grants to twenty student, international and ESC members to attend our 2018 Annual Meeting in Miami, Florida, held May 14–17, 2018.

These travel grants were made possible by member contributions to the Kanamori Fund, the General Fund and the Student Travel Fund. Grant recipients received complimentary conference registration and a cash stipend for transportation, food and lodging. The recipients of the 2018 travel grants are as follows:

Student Travel Grant (funded by the Student Travel Grant Fund and General Fund)
Claudia Aristizábal, ISTerre – Universite Grenoble Alpes
Lirca Feliciano-Centeno, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
Laney Hart, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Jacob Kukovica, The University of Western Ontario
Pamela Moyer, University of New Hampshire
Jessica Schobelock, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Vianca Severino Rivas, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
Kahoko Takahashi, Yokohama City University
Sin-Mei Wu, University of Utah
Shuo Yang, University of Notre Dame
Jefferson Yarce, University of Colorado Boulder
Lizhong Zhang, University of Bristol

International Travel Grant (funded by the Kanamori Fund)
Albert Aguilar, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Marcella Cilia, University of Birmingham
Garmalia Mentor William, GeoHazards International
Maria Mesimeri, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Rebecca Salvage, Observatorio Vulcanológico y Sismológico de Costa Rica, Universidad Nacional
Hema Sharma, Western University
Hubert Zal, Victoria University of Wellington

European Seismological Commission/SSA Travel Grant (funded by the Kanamori Fund)
Rodrigo Contreras Arratia, Institute of Geophysics and Tectonics

2017 Travel Grant Recipients

SSA provided travel grants to eighteen student, international and ESC members to attend our 2017 Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado, held 18–20 April 2017 .

These travel grants were made possible by member contributions to the Kanamori Fund, the General Fund and the Student Travel Fund. Grant recipients received complimentary conference registration and a cash stipend for transportation, food and lodging. The recipients of the 2017 travel grants are as follows:

Student Travel Grant (funded by the Student Travel Grant Fund and General Fund)
Elizabeth Berg, University of Utah
Edward Brooks, Northwestern University
Yenan Cao, University of Notre Dame
Rosa García Castro, Universidad de El Salvador
Wenyuan Fan, University of California ,San Diego
Alex Grant, University of Washington
Tiegan Hobbs, Georgia Institute of Technology
Hannah Mejia, Baylor University
Manuel Mendoza, University of California Riverside
Sunyoung Park, Harvard University
Maeva Pourpoint, Pennsylvania State University
Nader Shakibay Senobari, University of California Riverside
Tim Sonnemann, University of Iceland

International Travel Grant (funded by the Kanamori Fund)
Anton Biryukov, University of Calgary
Zoya Farajpour, International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology
Frederick Jackson, Western University
Sanjay Singh Negi, Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology

European Seismological Commission/SSA Travel Grant (funded by the Kanamori Fund)
Gregor Schweppe, Cologne University