Caltech Hall Is Getting Stiffer, According to Decades of Data

Caltech Hall

11 November 2022–Caltech Hall, a 55-year-old nine-story reinforced concrete building on the Caltech campus, has been getting structurally stiffer over the past 20 years, according to a new report published in The Seismic Record. Previous work by seismologists and engineers had documented the building softening—that is, decreasing in stiffness—from its … Continue Reading »

Hidden Microearthquakes Illuminate Large Earthquake-Hosting Faults in Oklahoma and Kansas

injection well head

26 August 2022–Using machine learning to sift through a decade’s worth of seismic data, researchers have identified hundreds of thousands of microearthquakes along some previously unknown fault structures in Oklahoma and Kansas. The newly identified microearthquakes allowed the seismologists to map and measure earthquake clusters in the region, which has … Continue Reading »

SSA Names 2021 Outstanding Reviewers

14 March 2022–Christopher DuRoss of the U.S. Geological Survey, Golden, Adam Ringler of the U.S. Geological Survey, Albuquerque, and Vaclav Vavrycuk of the Institute of Geophysics in the Czech Republic, are the recipients of SSA’s 2021 Outstanding Reviewer awards. In recent interviews, the recipients agreed that reviewing is an essential … Continue Reading »

SSA Journals’ 20 Most-Downloaded Papers for 2021

9 March 2022–Papers on distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) and machine learning techniques were among the topics covered by the top 20 most-downloaded papers published by the SSA family of journals in 2021. The ranking of all papers noted below reflect download numbers through 31 December 2021: Y.J. Tan et al., … Continue Reading »