19 January 2023–SSA is pleased to announce the recipients of several of the Society’s awards for 2023. The Harry Fielding Reid Medal, the Charles F. Richter Early Career Award, the Frank Press Public Service Award and the SSA Distinguished Service Award are among the highest honors conferred by the Society. … Continue Reading »
22 April 2022–The presence of an atmospheric acoustic duct, a channel of sound at the boundary between the troposphere and stratosphere, has been verified for the first time by Sandia National Laboratory scientists. Solar hot air balloons carrying microbarometers floating in the lower stratosphere were able to observe infrasound signals … Continue Reading »
22 April 2022–Diamonds that formed deep in the Earth could help seismologists answer a decades-old question: do fluids play a role in generating earthquakes at depths where high pressure should keep brittle failure from happening? Fluid-assisted faulting in subducted slabs 300 to 700 kilometers deep, in the transition zone between … Continue Reading »
22 April 2022–Using a telecommunications fiber-optic-based sensing system, researchers were able to track the spread of sea ice in near-real-time over a 40-kilometer stretch of the Beaufort Sea north of Alaska. The deployment demonstrates a new way to monitor ice formation in a region where ice coverage has economic, cultural … Continue Reading »
22 April 2022–Sediment cores from the ancient Lake Cahuilla at Coachella in southern California could help seismologists determine whether lake filling events are connected to earthquakes on the Southern San Andreas Fault, according to a presentation at the Seismological Society of America’s Annual Meeting. Lake Cahuilla was a prehistoric lake … Continue Reading »
22 April 2022–Like many people, geophysicist Patricia Persaud had big plans for March 2020. She and her students from Louisiana State University were ready to board a plane to install a geophone array in Yangon, Myanmar in collaboration with university professors and students in the city. COVID-19 grounded Persaud and … Continue Reading »