Submit an SSA Session Proposal

2017 Annual Meeting poster

Organizing a technical session for SSA’s Annual Meeting is your opportunity to learn more about seismology and make new connections in our global community. Read on for advice from our members who have organized sessions in the past! Choose a Topic First things first: decide on the specific focus of … Continue Reading »

DeepShake Uses Machine Learning to Rapidly Estimate Earthquake Shaking Intensity

illustration of deep neural netowkrstra

23 April 2021–A deep spatiotemporal neural network trained on more than 36,000 earthquakes offers a new way of quickly predicting ground shaking intensity once an earthquake is underway, researchers report at the Seismological Society of America (SSA)’s 2021 Annual Meeting. DeepShake analyzes seismic signals in real time and issues advanced … Continue Reading »

High School Junior’s Consumer Seismometer Delivers Low-Cost Earthquake Early Warning

23 April 2021–A Southern California high school junior has built a low-cost seismometer device that delivers earthquake early warnings for homes and businesses. Costing less than $100 for her to make today, the seismometer could someday be a regular household safety device akin to a smart smoke detector, says its … Continue Reading »

Can Machine Learning improve Debris Flow Warning?

Illgraben torrent

22 April 2021–Machine learning could provide up an extra hour of warning time for debris flows along the Illgraben torrent in Switzerland, researchers report at the Seismological Society of America (SSA)’s 2021 Annual Meeting. Debris flows are mixtures of water, sediment and rock that move rapidly down steep hills, triggered … Continue Reading »