At Work: Amanda Price

Amanda Price

Seismology has always been a part of Amanda Price’s life – even if she didn’t always know it would be her job. “I grew up in southern and central California around earthquakes,” she says. “They’ve always fascinated me.” After taking time off after high school, she returned to college and … Continue Reading »

At Work: Hiroshi Kawase

Hiroshi Kawase

1 October 2018–Before becoming a professor within the Sophisticated Earthquake Risk Evaluation Program – part of Kyoto University’s Disaster Prevention Research Institute – Hiroshi Kawase seemed destined to become an architect or structural engineer. He grew up watching his father design and build houses at the same time Japan was … Continue Reading »

At Work: Peter Shearer

5 September 2018–SSA President Peter Shearer has deep ties to the Society he now heads. He published his first professional paper in the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, and he gave his first professional talk at the 1981 SSA Annual Meeting in Berkeley. “I was incredibly nervous,” he … Continue Reading »

At Work: Stefano Parolai

Stefano Parolai

Traditional earthquake early warning systems detect the fast-moving, but less-powerful P-waves that radiate from an earthquake. From there, they quickly estimate the earthquake’s location and magnitude and send out an alert, often just seconds before the more powerful S- waves arrive (check out the difference between the different waves here). … Continue Reading »

At Work: Adam Pascale

Adam Pascale

Say the word “seismograph,” and many minds go directly to the image of a machine scribbling out ink lines to trace the shaking of an earthquake. Seismology has always been a profession especially known for its tools, even though the field has moved far from the stylus and drum recorder. … Continue Reading »