At Work: Gabrielle Tepp

23 October 2023–Gabrielle Tepp grew up in Michigan—far from the earthquakes and volcanoes she would later study. She also “grew up in a small city where ‘scientist’ wasn’t really a career path,” she recalls, but she was good at math and curious about how things worked. She thought she might … Continue Reading »

At Work: Natalie Balfour

Natalie Balfour

20 September 2023–Throughout her career, Natalie Balfour has moved back and forth between research, management and leadership roles. “It is a bit of who I am,” said Balfour, now the head of research at Toka Tū Ake EQC, Aotearoa New Zealand’s Earthquake Commission. “I love learning about natural hazards, about … Continue Reading »

At Work: Carene Larmat

18 August 2023–It sounds like science fiction, but one of Carene Larmat’s tasks as a geoscientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory is time reversal. “During my Ph.D. it became possible to perform time reversal of the seismic waves created by an earthquake, using a supercomputer and the full waveform solver … Continue Reading »

At Work: Ruth Harris

Ruth Harris at 2023 SSA Annual Meeting

19 July 2023–Like all scientific disciplines, seismology is not immune to trends. And right now, creeping faults are having a bit of a moment, according to Ruth Harris. The topic is a long-time research interest of Harris, a Senior Scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey’s Earthquake Science Center and president … Continue Reading »

At Work: Greg McLaskey

Greg McLaskey in lab

19 June 2023–Interested in math and science early on, and looking for a job that would benefit society, Greg McLaskey went to college to study civil engineering. “The thing that excited me the most about civil engineering was non-destructive testing,” he recalled, so he was soon learning all about wave … Continue Reading »

At Work: Simona Gabrielli

Simona Gabrielli at Mount St. Helens

22 May 2023–Simona Gabrielli studies seismic attenuation, or what happens when a seismic wave interacts with its surrounding medium. She compares it to how a stone dropped into a pond sends ripples through the water, and the ripples change direction depending on what they meet as they move across the … Continue Reading »