Large Quakes Along Olympic Mountain Faults

A comprehensive study of faults along the north side of the Olympic Mountains of Washington State emphasizes the substantial seismic hazard to the northern Puget Lowland region. The BSSA study examined the Lake Creek-Boundary Creek and Sadie Creek faults along the north flank the Olympic Mountains. … Continue Reading »

SSA Introduces New Journal Features

19 September 2017 – The premier seismology technical journals BSSA and SRL will get a new look and a host of reader-friendly features, as the journals make the transition to the Silverchair Information Systems online hosting platform through GeoScienceWorld, a consortium of society publishers of research and communications in the earth sciences. … Continue Reading »

Call for Papers: BSSA Special Issue: Fifty Years after the 1967 Koyna Earthquake: Progress in our understanding of Reservoir Triggered Seismicity (RTS)

4 May 2017–The Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (BSSA) is soliciting papers for a Special Issue on Reservoir Triggered Seismicity. December 10, 2017 marks 50 years since the 1967 magnitude 6.3 Koyna earthquake in western India, recognized as the world’s largest Reservoir Triggered Seismic (RTS) event.

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BSSA: Las Vegas Site Classifications Could Lower Costs

28 February 2017–Results of a massive new project to map and classify the earthquake shaking potential across most of the Las Vegas metropolitan area will help developers there build in safer and less expensive ways. The “Parcel Map” described 28 February in the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America is the most extensive effort to date in the United States to map and classify soils based on their effects on earthquake shaking across an entire urban area with systematic, direct measurements at high density.

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