Researchers Share Strategies for Making Geosciences More Inclusive

Black in Geoscience logo

21 April 2021–Concrete efforts to bring racial equity to the geosciences are receiving significant attention in the wake of new grassroots efforts and increased awareness of social justice issues in 2020, speakers said at the Seismological Society of America (SSA)’s 2021 Annual Meeting. Last year’s Black in Geoscience Week, for … Continue Reading »

At Work: Rengin Gök

Gok in Kuwait

15 March 2021–Rengin Gök’s work day starts early, with text messages and email from all around the Middle East, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and the Caucasus regions. Even before the pandemic, she kept odd office hours, responding to her colleagues in these regions late into the night and on weekends. … Continue Reading »

For Eyewitness Accounts of Earthquake Shaking, Representation Matters

Nepal earthquake damage

20 January 2021–As scientists increasingly rely on eyewitness accounts of earthquake shaking reported through online systems, they should consider whether those accounts are societally and spatially representative for an event, according to a new paper published in Seismological Research Letters. Socioeconomic factors can play a significant if complex role in … Continue Reading »

At Work: Takahiko Uchide

Takahiko Uchide

16 December 2020–Big earthquakes may grab the headlines, but for Takahiko Uchide, the small events are just as interesting. For one thing, studying small earthquakes is a good way to learn about the physical properties of underground faults at a fine scale, he says. “Earthquakes reflect factors including the applied … Continue Reading »

At Work: Esteban Chaves

16 November 2020–Costa Rica is home to about 15,000 earthquakes a year, and its citizens are well-educated when it comes to the science behind all the seismic activity, says Esteban Chaves. “If you ask a Costa Rican where the subduction zone is, they are able to respond. Most of them … Continue Reading »