Supporting International Students

Travel Grant Recipients 2019

FROM BILL WALTER, PRESIDENT OF SSA 9 July 2020 — Seismology is a global endeavor, and the international scientific community benefits from a free exchange of people as well as ideas. The Administration’s recent proposal to limit participation by international students in US degree programs would be tragic, both for … Continue Reading »

At Work: Marlon Ramos

Marlon Ramos

14 February 2020–As he pursued his master’s degree at Boise State University, Marlon Ramos was doing what he calls “traditional, active-source seismology,” interpreting seismic pictures of tsunami-producing faults near the Kodiak Island segment of the Alaska-Aleutian megathrust zone. “I had an interest in subduction zones and the very large earthquakes … Continue Reading »

At Work: Joan Latchman

15 July 2019 –Joan Latchman, a seismologist at The University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre, was born in Trinidad and Tobago and grew up just a 15-minute walk from the Centre – then known as the Seismic Research Unit. At the time, the Centre had a low profile, … Continue Reading »

SSA Global Travel Grant Recipients Announced

Five SSA student members have received Global Travel Grants to attend workshops or small meetings around the world. Farnaz Kamranzad (University of Tehran) will use the grant to attend the 11th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology in Hakone, Japan. Angela G. Marusiak (University of Maryland, College Park) will be traveling … Continue Reading »