SSA Global Travel Grant Recipients Announced

Five SSA student members have received Global Travel Grants to attend workshops or small meetings around the world. Farnaz Kamranzad (University of Tehran) will use the grant to attend the 11th International Workshop on Statistical Seismology in Hakone, Japan. Angela G. Marusiak (University of Maryland, College Park) will be traveling … Continue Reading »

Annual Meeting Travel Grant Recipients Announced

SSA announced 21 student and international members will receive travel grants to attend the Annual Meeting in Seattle, to be held 23–26 April 2019. These travel grants are made possible by member contributions to the Kanamori Fund, the General Fund and the Student Travel Fund. Grant recipients receive complimentary conference registration and a cash stipend for transportation, food and lodging. The 21 recipients of … Continue Reading »

Reflecting on Seismology of the Americas with Two International Travel Grant Recipients

Maria Mesimeri and Garmalia Mentor-William

International Travel Grant recipient Garmalia Mentor-William wanted to attend the 2018 Seismology of the Americas meeting to “meet other scientists, learn about new technologies and learn lessons from other countries” that could help Haiti – her home country – prepare for future earthquake disasters. After the 2010 M7.0 earthquake that … Continue Reading »