BSSA Top-Cited Papers for 2020


1 March 2021–Five papers from BSSA’s special section on the 2019 Ridgecrest, California earthquake sequence were the top-cited papers from the journal published in 2020. The ranking of all papers noted below reflect citation and download numbers through 31 January 2021: 1.DuRoss. et al. “Surface Displacement Distributions for the July … Continue Reading »

Tests Reveal Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities of Common Seismological Equipment

10 February 2021–Seismic monitoring devices linked to the internet are vulnerable to cyberattacks that could disrupt data collection and processing, say researchers who have probed the devices for weak points. Common security issues such as non-encrypted data, insecure protocols, and poor user authentication mechanisms are among the biggest culprits that … Continue Reading »

Submit Your Paper to The Seismic Record

TSR Masthead

1 February 2021–Today, the Seismological Society of America is opening submissions for its new open-access journal, The Seismic Record. It’s a thrill to be launching a high-impact, timely and inclusive journal that meets the interests of the seismological community–and we want you to be part of this launch. The Seismic Record provides an … Continue Reading »

For Eyewitness Accounts of Earthquake Shaking, Representation Matters

Nepal earthquake damage

20 January 2021–As scientists increasingly rely on eyewitness accounts of earthquake shaking reported through online systems, they should consider whether those accounts are societally and spatially representative for an event, according to a new paper published in Seismological Research Letters. Socioeconomic factors can play a significant if complex role in … Continue Reading »

Schulte-Pelkum and Ritsema join TSR editorial team

1 December 2020–SSA announced today the appointment of  Vera Schulte-Pelkum as the inaugural Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Jeroen Ritsema as the inaugural Editor-at-Large of The Seismic Record . The Seismic Record is an open access, online only journal, publishing high-quality short form papers in seismology and earthquake science. The journal publishes … Continue Reading »