Morocco Earthquake Had Unusual Deep Slip, According to New Modeling

Aftermath of 2023 earthquake in Taroudant Province, Morocco. | alyaoum24/ Wikimedia Commons

14 December 2023–In their rapid characterization of the magnitude 6.8 Al Haouz earthquake in Morocco, researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) suggest that the earthquake ruptured roughly 25 kilometers deep beneath the surface. The USGS source modeling, published in The Seismic Record, shows a compact … Continue Reading »

Was the Earthquake Induced or Natural? New Study Tests Frameworks to Answer the Question

The town of Peace River, Alberta, seen from the Sagitawa Lookout. | awmcphee/ Wikimedia Common

13 December 2023–Using questionnaires created to determine whether a particular earthquake is natural or induced by human activity, a panel of experts concluded that the November 2022 magnitude 5.2 Peace River earthquake sequence in Alberta, Canada was likely to be induced. The case study published in Seismological Research Letters was … Continue Reading »

Q&A with TSR Editor-in-Chief Keith Koper

4 December 2023–As The Seismic Record nears its three-year anniversary, we asked Editor-in-Chief Keith Koper to talk about how the journal has evolved and what to expect next in its pages. SSA: The Seismic Record will celebrate its three-year anniversary in 2024. Why do you think the journal has been … Continue Reading »

استدعاء نشرة جمعية رصد الزلازل الأمريكية BSSA للأوراق: زلزال الأطلس الكبير المغربي عام 2023 وزلزال غرب أفغانستان الرباعي عام

  الزلازل في الأحزمة الجبلية التي تشوه ببطء: زلزال الأطلس الكبير المغربي عام 2023 وزلزال غرب أفغانستان الرباعي عام 2023 بقوة 6.3 ميجاوات تطلب نشرة جمعية رصد الزلازل الأمريكية (BSSA) أوراقًا لعدد خاص حول الزلازل في الأحزمة الجبلية التي تتشوه ببطء، مع التركيز على زلزال الأطلس الكبير المغربي عام 2023 … Continue Reading »

Appel à communications du BSSA: Séismes dans les ceintures de montagnes à déformation lente

Appel à communications du BSSA Séismes dans les ceintures de montagnes à déformation lente : Le séisme de 2023 dans le Haut Atlas marocain et le quadruplet de séismes d’une magnitude de 6,3 dans l’ouest de l’Afghanistan en 2023 Le bulletin de la société sismologique d’Amérique (BSSA) sollicite des articles pour … Continue Reading »