BSSA Special Issue on Earthquakes in Slowly Deforming Mountain Belts

2023 Herat earthquake rescue efforts

14 November 2023–The devastating September 2023 earthquake in Morocco and the unusual series of October 2023 earthquakes in Afghanistan are painful reminders of the seismic hazard that exists even in slowly deforming mountain belts away from major plate boundaries. Earthquakes take place infrequently in these regions, but their impacts can … Continue Reading »

Prayer Book Fills Gap in Italian Earthquake History

1456 Marche earthquake MS

1 November 2023–The chance discovery of a note written in a 15th century Hebrew prayer book fills an important gap in the historical Italian earthquake record, offering a brief glimpse of a previously unknown earthquake affecting the Marche region in the central Apennines. Paolo Galli, who found the note in … Continue Reading »