At Work: Amanda Lough

Amanda Lough

13 July 2020–Deep long period (DLP) earthquakes occur close to the base of the crust and contain seismic waveforms with  frequencies less than 5 Hz—a phenomenon very different from the high frequency, relatively shallow tectonic activity that most people think of as an earthquake. DLP earthquakes are most often associated … Continue Reading »

Supporting International Students

Travel Grant Recipients 2019

FROM BILL WALTER, PRESIDENT OF SSA 9 July 2020 — Seismology is a global endeavor, and the international scientific community benefits from a free exchange of people as well as ideas. The Administration’s recent proposal to limit participation by international students in US degree programs would be tragic, both for … Continue Reading »

SSA Seeks New BSSA Editor-in-Chief


7 July 2020 – Today the Seismological Society of America announced its search for the next Editor-in-Chief (EIC) of Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (BSSA), its flagship, peer-reviewed international journal. The journal is key to the Society meeting its core mission to advance earthquake science worldwide and to … Continue Reading »

At Work: Bill Walter

16 June 2020–In 1988, as a graduate student, SSA President Bill Walter and his colleagues arrived in Kazakhstan to record a Soviet nuclear test as part of the U.S.-USSR Joint Verification Experiment (JVE). The partnership was an unusual one in the context of the Cold War: U.S. and Soviet scientists … Continue Reading »

At Work: Janis Hernandez

Janis Hernandez at Ridgecrest fault

15 May 2020–When Janis Hernandez was studying for her associate degree, she took an introduction to geology class to meet a science requirement. “After that, I kept thinking, ‘what’s wrong with me, why am I thinking so much about rocks?’” she says. “It was just so interesting. And once you … Continue Reading »

At Work: Hrvoje Tkalčić

Hrvoje Tkalčić

15 April 2020–Exploring planets other than the Earth was Hrvoje Tkalčić’s first love, he says. “Ever since I can remember I wanted to become an astronaut.” Tkalčić, now the head of seismology and mathematical geophysics at The Australian National University, was fascinated by the universe and adept in mathematics and … Continue Reading »