At Work: Joses Omojola

Joses Omojola

30 November 2022–So far, the career of Joses Omojola has moved from water to oil to salt. His first interest, in hydrogeology, came about in high school after he watched his first water borehole being drilled. “A geologist came over to me, explaining about the different sediments they were bringing … Continue Reading »

Dark Fiber Helps Pick Up Acoustic Signals of Iceland Meteoroid


17 November 2022–Data collected by a large-N seismic array and distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) in Iceland offer one of the most detailed acoustic fingerprints of a meteoroid entering and disintegrating in the atmosphere. The dense record, described in Seismological Research Letters, allowed the researchers to distinguish acoustic phases that are … Continue Reading »

Caltech Hall Is Getting Stiffer, According to Decades of Data

Caltech Hall

11 November 2022–Caltech Hall, a 55-year-old nine-story reinforced concrete building on the Caltech campus, has been getting structurally stiffer over the past 20 years, according to a new report published in The Seismic Record. Previous work by seismologists and engineers had documented the building softening—that is, decreasing in stiffness—from its … Continue Reading »