At Work: Xiaohua (Eric) Xu

Eric Xu at Ridgecrest site

30 September 2022–“Geodesy is quite an old research field that started pretty much when humans wanted to measure the Earth, but it is also very new, especially since the rise of space-borne radar techniques,” said Xiaohua (Eric) Xu. “Space geodesy has helped scientists to measure not just the shape, but … Continue Reading »

At Work: Andrea Bryant

Andrea Bryant

31 August 2022–Andrea Bryant came to her work with NASA’s Dragonfly mission through what she calls “a beautiful accident.” Quarantining by herself in a tiny studio apartment in 2020, the University of Chicago graduate student was looking for a NASA internship that might fit with her exoplanet studies. A posting … Continue Reading »

Hidden Microearthquakes Illuminate Large Earthquake-Hosting Faults in Oklahoma and Kansas

injection well head

26 August 2022–Using machine learning to sift through a decade’s worth of seismic data, researchers have identified hundreds of thousands of microearthquakes along some previously unknown fault structures in Oklahoma and Kansas. The newly identified microearthquakes allowed the seismologists to map and measure earthquake clusters in the region, which has … Continue Reading »