At Work: Zoya Farajpour

Zoya Farajpour

29 July 2022–Zoya Farajpour was born in Iran, one of the most seismically active countries in the world. Most of Iran’s major cities and towns are in the vicinity of seismic faults, she said. “The oral and written history of this country is full of massive and destructive earthquake events … Continue Reading »

Haiti’s 1860 Jour de Pâques Earthquakes May Have Released Strain in Key Fault Zone

1860 Richmond newspaper clipping

12 July 2022–Using details from historical newspaper accounts and letters, seismologists have learned more about Haiti’s 1860 Jour de Pâques (Easter Sunday) earthquake sequence, and how it might have impacted the country’s most recent devastating earthquakes. The new analysis published in the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America suggests … Continue Reading »

At Work: Manuel Matthew Mendoza

Matt Mendoza

29 June 2022–The scenes of devastation from the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami were part of what made Manuel Mendoza consider a career as a geophysicist, he says. The combination of interesting science, travel and the ability to help people were all factors that convinced him to study earthquakes. Mendoza’s … Continue Reading »