Reflecting on Seismology of the Americas with Two International Travel Grant Recipients

Maria Mesimeri and Garmalia Mentor-William

International Travel Grant recipient Garmalia Mentor-William wanted to attend the 2018 Seismology of the Americas meeting to “meet other scientists, learn about new technologies and learn lessons from other countries” that could help Haiti – her home country – prepare for future earthquake disasters. After the 2010 M7.0 earthquake that … Continue Reading »

At Work: Phoebe DeVries

Gaining insight into where earthquake aftershocks might occur is a long-standing challenge in earthquake science, especially as some aftershocks can approach the size of the mainshock earthquake and can damage buildings and roads already weakened by the main earthquake. Phoebe Robinson DeVries and her coauthors are pursuing one way to … Continue Reading »

Robert W. Graves Selected as 2019 Joyner Lecturer

Rob Graves

The Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) and the Seismological Society of America (SSA) are pleased to announce that U.S. Geological Survey research geophysicist Robert W. Graves is the 2019 recipient of the William B. Joyner Lecture Award. Graves will deliver the Joyner Lecture at the EERI 2019 Annual Meeting to … Continue Reading »

At Work: Amanda Price

Amanda Price

Seismology has always been a part of Amanda Price’s life – even if she didn’t always know it would be her job. “I grew up in southern and central California around earthquakes,” she says. “They’ve always fascinated me.” After taking time off after high school, she returned to college and … Continue Reading »