Contribute to SSA

The Seismological Society of America is a non-profit organization. Our ability to advance seismology depends on your support.  We appreciate and thank you for your contribution.
General Fund

Targets donations where they are needed most. Donations to The General Fund are unrestricted and have made possible new ventures such as The Seismic Record and The Global Travel Grant Program.
Annual Meeting Travel Grant

Provides student and early-career members with travel grants to attend the SSA Annual Meeting.
Joyner Fund

Makes possible the William B. Joyner Lecture Series and the Charles F. Richter Early Career Award.
Kanamori Fund

Supports the professional development of the seismological community.
Spudich Fund

Supports early-career and student members who have a research focus on earthquake source physics or ground motion prediction.
Total Amount
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SSA publishes an annual report that recognizes donors. If you would like to remain anonymous, please select ‘Yes’.