Paul Andrew Spudich Travel Grants

Paul Andrew SpudichIn February 2024 SSA welcomed the first applications for Paul Andrew Spudich Travel Grants.

The new program honors the late seismologist Paul Andrew Spudich by supporting travel for SSA student and early-career members who have a research focus on earthquake source physics or ground motion prediction.

The grant program was established by SSA’s Paul Andrew Spudich Fund, which honors the late seismologist’s life and important contributions to the study of earthquake source physics and ground motion prediction throughout his career with the U.S. Geological Survey.

The next applications for the Paul Andrew Spudich Travel Grants will open February 2026. The grants will support scientific travel between March 2026 and February 2027.

Eligibility requirements and application criteria:

  • Applicant must be an SSA student or early-career member in good standing for at least three months prior to open application period.
  • Attendance at the meeting must be directly connected to the study of earthquake source physics or ground motion prediction.
  • Student applicants must have a faculty advisor submit a letter of support on their behalf. The letter should specify the degree the student will receive at the completion of their program and the benefits the student will receive from attending the event. Early-career applicants must have an advisor or supervisor submit a letter of support. All letters should be sent to before the application deadline.
  • Applicants may request up to $3,500.

Next Application deadline: 28 February 2026. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

If you have any questions, please contact

Paul Andrew Spudich Travel Grant Recipients

Year Grantee Program Location Amount
February 2025 Jeena Yun International Joint Workshop on Slow-to-Fast Earthquakes Kochi, Japan $2,190
February 2025 Baoning Wu International Joint Workshop on Slow-to-Fast Earthquakes Kochi, Japan $2,400
February 2024 Chunyang Ji The 8th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Osaka, Japan $2,000
February 2024 Ilma del Carmen Juarez Garfias The 7th edition of the school on Passive Imaging & Monitoring in Wave Physics: From Seismology to Ultrasound Corsica, France $2,300