Eastern Section-SSA
The Eastern Section-SSA (ES-SSA) is a separately incorporated organization, focusing on advancing the science of the seismology of Eastern North America and intraplate seismology.
Collected here are some short notes on its history and activities.
Membership is $30 per year, and dues support students by providing travel grants and awards to acknowledge excellence. Join our community by selecting membership in ES-SSA when registering for SSA. Already renewed for SSA? Contact SSA at membership@seismosoc.org to amend your SSA membership to include the Eastern Section.
ES-SSA photos by Raymond Ng

ES-SSA Annual Meeting
Annual Meeting
Bylaws of the Eastern Section
Current Leadership
Learn more
History and Recent Incorporation
SRL article from May/June 2009
The Jesuit Seismological Association Award for Contributions to Observational Seismology
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