Donate to the Kanamori Fund

Hiroo KanamoriWith your donation, the Kanamori Fund provides professional development opportunities for students and seismologists of all ages and supports SSA’s ability to quickly pursue new program ideas on behalf of the community.

Named in honor of Hiroo Kanamori, the Kanamori Fund has made possible special workshops and helped support travel grants to SSA meetings from countries that are members of the European Seismological Commission.

At the 2019 SSA Annual Meeting, the Kanamori Fund will support:

  • Workshops for early- and mid-career researchers focused on career development and writing excellent research papers.
  • Two technical workshops on community seismic velocity models and machine learning in seismology.
  • Travel grants for international members to attend the meeting.

Help SSA expand these programs and the reach of our society while also honoring the work of Hiroo Kanamori.

Kanamori Fund Donation Form

Contribution Amount
Other Amount $
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Credit Card
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Recognition preference
SSA publishes an annual report that recognizes donors. If you would like to remain anonymous, please select ‘Yes’.