One Community. One Mission.

SSA is a global community united by a shared mission: advancing earthquake science worldwide. Both conducting and sharing a wide range of seismic research across the more than 85 countries they call home, our 2,800 members represent every career stage, from students to senior professionals. SSA’s role is to provide the support system they need to realize their full professional potential and continue pushing the boundaries of knowledge in every discipline in seismology. 

What barriers stand in the way of our members’ scientific progress and how can we help them overcome them? How welcomed do they feel at our events and what changes could help them make more connections and collaborations across our community? These are the type of questions we are exploring together as we work to proactively build and maintain a culture that encourages and embraces the diversity of experiences and perspectives that leads to scientific progress.

Like all SSA activities, this Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) work is member-driven. We invite each and every member of our community to share their thoughts via this form and by participating in the Society’s ongoing surveys about their experiences in SSA activities. Additionally, DEI-related comments, questions or suggestions, are invited from all members at any time at

Together we advance earthquake science worldwide.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Action at SSA

An Annual Meeting all about diversity
SSA’s flagship event is designed to bring scientists together from every career stage worldwide. Student and early-career members enjoy discounts on Annual Meeting registration as well as access to expert-led workshops on career-advancing topics like publishing and machine learning. Meeting sessions are convened by student, early-career and senior members in academia, government and private industry, quite often with many miles and country borders between them. This diversity is encouraged so that together we can explore a range of topics through multiple perspectives. LEARN MORE

Training for the seismologists of today and tomorrow
SSA continues to expand its professional development opportunities for both current and prospective members. Partnerships with other institutions help connect students to scientific information (for example, the 2023 Annual Meeting will bring information about careers in seismology, in Spanish, to students at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez). SSA’s recent complimentary educational offerings for members have included communication coaching for Annual Meeting presentations and Active Bystander Training aimed at creating more supportive workplaces worldwide. LEARN MORE

Inclusive publishing program
With three diverse editorial boards and both APC waivers and discounts offered to authors in developing countries, SSA publications provide a voice for scientists around the globe. Further widening our reach, SSA’s new open-access journal, The Seismic Record (TSR), is available to all online. Additionally, Associate Editor Travel Grants support SSA volunteer editors’ travel to scientific conferences worldwide, where they not only share their own research but also make connections with new authors for the Society’s journals. LEARN MORE

Helping members pay for travel and childcare
SSA Annual Meeting Travel Grants, which include childcare stipends for parents, help student and international attendees participate in our most important scientific conversation. The Global Travel Grant and Paul Andrew Spudich Travel Grant programs extend this same support to help members attend meetings hosted by other scientific organizations worldwide, where they make professional connections and present their research and receive critically important feedback. LEARN MORE

A culture of support
SSA Connects, a complimentary mentoring program for members, links those who are just beginning their professional journeys with senior scientists, who provide general career advice as well as specific guidance on topics including proposal and grant writing, research and work-life balance. The virtual mentoring meetups are part of SSA’s efforts to build a culture of support that can grow and have a ripple effect across the wider scientific community. LEARN MORE

Community-wide grant opportunities
Twice a year, all members are invited to apply for an SSA Community Grant, which provides the financial helping hand that so many scientists need to take their mission-advancing events across the finish line. These are just one of many grant programs that help our members forge new connections in the global seismological community and continue the important exchange of information that leads to scientific progress. LEARN MORE

Professional and ethical conduct
SSA’s Code of Conduct and Professional Ethics Policy, both grounded in a culture of respect, inclusivity and professional conduct, promote and protect the full participation of every member within our Society as well as every attendee at SSA-sponsored activities. LEARN MORE


in 87 countries

as of August 2023

Members in Many Institutions

Employment by percentage 

Members at Every Career Stage

Age by percentage 

Members Worldwide

56% in U.S. / 44% in other countries


Like all SSA activities, our DEI work is member-driven. Please share your thoughts via this form and by participating in the Society’s ongoing surveys about SSA activities. Additionally, DEI-related comments, questions or suggestions, are invited from all members at any time at