SSA’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

At its 20 November 2021 meeting, in recognition of the need for SSA to have broader representation and participation from all sectors of society, both in its leadership and its membership at large, the SSA Board of Directors established the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee.

A standing committee of the SSA Board of Directors, the DEI Committee makes recommendations that support the Society’s scientific mission and its focus on providing access and opportunity to every member of its global community working in support of that mission.

Committee members are appointed for a term of up to three years by the SSA president in consultation with the Executive Committee. All members of the committee are active members of SSA, and no member serves more than two consecutive terms. The committee chair, at the time of appointment, must be a Board member other than the president or immediate past-president.

The DEI Committee is comprised of an early-career representative, a representative of SSA’s social science research community, a representative of minority-serving institutions, an industry representative, a representative based outside the United States, the chair of the annual Nominations Committee (ex officio), a Government Relations Committee representative (ex officio), a Meetings Committee representative (ex officio), a Membership Committee representative (ex officio), a Publications Committee representative (ex officio) and an Honors Committee representative (ex officio).

The terms of the committee will be reviewed at least once every five years.


(NOVEMBER 2021-2024)

Richard Alfaro
Jeff Bayless
Sue Bilek
Heather DeShon
Kevin Kwong
Lisa Grant Ludwig
Meghan Miller
Gabriela Noriega
Leah M. Salditch