Affiliate and Associate Memberships

SSA collaborates with the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) to offer affiliated memberships.

Affiliate Members of SSA

Members of EERI may choose to associate with SSA by becoming Affiliate Members. Their annual dues of $90 bring them online access to Seismological Research Letters (SRL). They are included in the online SSA membership roster. Dues for EERI associate membership with SSA should be included with payments for EERI dues.

EERI members seeking full benefits of SSA membership, including voting privileges, discounts to the Annual Meeting and access to the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (BSSA), can upgrade their membership by contacting SSA at

Associate Members of EERI

SSA members may conveniently and affordably associate with the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) under an agreement between the two organizations. SSA members who elect to associate with EERI will receive EERI’s biweekly newsletter, the Pulse; be included in and have access to the online EERI membership directory; can utilize the discounted EERI member rate for EERI webinars; and have access to high-quality reconnaissance photos, reconnaissance reports, and oral histories. Dues for this EERI Associate membership are $90 per year and should be included with payments for SSA dues.

Those members of SSA seeking full benefits of EERI membership (including Earthquake Spectra, conference/meetings/webinars discounts, voting privileges, ability to participate in committees) should join EERI as a primary member. Please visit the EERI website to learn more about EERI membership benefits and dues.