Emeritus Membership Form

Please enter a Username to create an account. If you already have an account please login before completing this form.


Punctuation is not allowed in a username with the exception of periods, hyphens and underscores.
We recommend including a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters.

Contribute to the Seismological Society of America

We are a nonprofit organization that depends on donor support. Please make a gift to SSA today (just pick a fund below and fill in your donation amount).

Your gift helps ensure access to training, mentoring and information sharing across our global community. Donations enable us to continue innovating and expanding the network of support that we offer to our members.

Thank you for your generosity. Together we advance earthquake science.

This unrestricted fund directs donations to where they are most needed at SSA.
A gift to this fund helps our student and early-career members participate in the SSA Annual Meeting.
Honoring William B. Joyner’s commitment to information sharing at the interface of earthquake science and earthquake engineering, this fund supports both the Joyner Lecture series and the Charles F. Richter Early-Career Award.
This fund supports the professional development of our community in recognition of Caltech Emeritus Professor Hiroo Kanamori.
Honoring the late seismologist Paul Spudich, this fund supports travel grants for student and early-career members with a research focus on earthquake source physics or ground motion prediction.

Personal Information

Begin typing the name of your institution to locate it within the database. If your institution name does not appear, please type the full institution name to add it to our database.

Primary Address

SSA collects information about our members in order to provide the appropriate services to meet their needs. SSA does not distribute or display demographic information about our members to anyone outside the home office without explicit permission of the member. For our complete privacy policy, click here

Total Amount: $

Please ensure that the billing address matches the address on the credit card.
I agree to abide by the SSA Professional Ethics Policy. https://www.seismosoc.org/inside/professional-ethics-policy/
Each year, SSA emails candidate information and voting links for the Board of Directors election to its members. Please check here to consent to receive election information from SSA.