
SSA Student members qualify for a significant discount in SSA annual dues. Regular member dues are $125 for a membership with electronic access to both BSSA and SRL (no print), while Student dues are only $30 with all the same benefits. Student members are not eligible to receive BSSA in print, but they may select to receive SRL in print for a nominal fee. In order to qualify for SSA Student membership, all applicants must provide a scanned image file or photocopy of their current student I.D. with their application.

Complete your SSA Student membership application online today!

SSA Early-Career Membership

No longer a student? SSA Early-Career Membership is a discounted membership available for members within three years after graduating from their terminal degree. Visit our Join Us page to take advantage of this special membership.

SSA Student Presentation Awards

SSA Student members who attend the SSA Annual Meeting and present either a poster or oral presentation, are eligible to compete in the SSA Student Presentation Awards each year. The awards were initiated by the SSA Board of Directors in order to help identify outstanding work by SSA Student members. The awards are given based on the excellence of Student work presented, and are announced online and in print after the Annual Meeting.

SSA Student Presentation Award Eligibility:

  • Must be an SSA Student Member
  • Membership in good-standing, current through the year the Annual Meeting will be held.
  • Must be registered for the SSA Annual Meeting as a Student Registrant
  • Must have submitted an Abstract for presentation at the Annual Meeting

To participate in the SSA Student Presentation Awards process, “check” the relevant box on the Abstract submission for the upcoming SSA Annual Meeting.

View the Student Presentation Award winners of the last SSA Annual Meeting.

SSA Annual Meeting Travel Grants

Each year, SSA offers Student and international members the opportunity to apply for modest travel grants to help fund the cost of travel to the SSA Annual Meeting. Applications for the 2016 Annual Meeting in Reno, Nevada will be accepted starting November 1.

The travel grants offered by SSA are the: Student Travel Grant, International Travel Grant, the ESC/SSA Travel Grant, and the Geo-CVD Student Travel Grant (full details below).

Student Annual Meeting Travel Grant Eligibility:

  • Must be an SSA Student Member current through the year the Annual Meeting will be held.
  • Will be traveling more than 500 km (311 miles), either domestically or internationally, to attend the Annual Meeting.
  • Applicant must present their work in either an oral or poster session at the Annual Meeting.

International Annual Meeting Travel Grant Eligibility:

  • Must be an SSA Member (Student Members are eligible to apply for the International Travel Grant) current through the year the Annual Meeting will be held.
  • Will be traveling more than 500 km (311 miles) from outside the United States to attend the Annual Meeting.
  • Applicant must present their work in either an oral or poster session at the Annual Meeting.

SSA/ESC Travel Grant Eligibility:

  • Will be traveling from a member-state of the European Seismological Commission.
  • (Click here to see the list of ESC member-states.)
  • Applicant must present their work in either an oral or poster session at the Annual Meeting.

Annual Meeting Travel Grants Application and Deadline

Please submit your application electronically. Applications will be available by November 1 each year and are due by November 30. All SSA members will be notified via email when the application is open online.

Applications must be received by SSA no later than 30 November each fall. The application should state which Travel Grant you are applying for, provide reasons why you are a good candidate for the grant, and include the text of the Abstract for your presentation. Applicants are also required to get a recommendation from a professor involved in their research.

Applicants will be notified of their award status the first week of January each year, at least one week before the SSA deadline for Abstract submission. The Travel Grant awards will be announced and the checks presented at the Annual Luncheon during the SSA Annual Meeting.

Want to know what other travel grant recipients have to say about the experience?

Check out the Travel Grant Testimonials page and read personal statements of past SSA travel grant winners. There are many ways to benefit from these wonderful grant opportunities!


Show your support of SSA Student & international members, Contribute to the SSA Student Travel Grant Fund today!


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