At Work: Louisa Brotherson

Louisa Brotherson

16 August 2021–Earthquakes are happening all the time inside Louisa Brotherson’s lab. Tiny ones, at least—and the strike-slip faults involved occur in Perspex plastic, not rock. Using a machine called a triaxial deformation apparatus, Brotherson can apply different pressures and stresses on the plastic to mimic the conditions that lead … Continue Reading »

Submit an SSA Session Proposal

2017 Annual Meeting poster

Organizing a technical session for SSA’s Annual Meeting is your opportunity to learn more about seismology and make new connections in our global community. Read on for advice from our members who have organized sessions in the past! Choose a Topic First things first: decide on the specific focus of … Continue Reading »

At Work: Amir Salaree

Amir Salaree

15 July 2021–For Amir Salaree, the road to studying tsunamis began when he was a physics major at the University of Tehran, “looking for simple, real-world applications of all the beautiful math and physics that I was learning which would be useful to people,” he recalled. Visiting a friend in … Continue Reading »

SSA Global Travel Grants Advance Careers and Earthquake Science

An invitation to submit a paper. International collaboration. Feedback from senior scientists. These career-changing connections happen at scientific conferences. SSA’s Global Travel Grant gives more members the opportunity to enjoy them. Now accepting applications through 31 July 2021, the grant program supports student and early-career members attendance at seismology-related conferences … Continue Reading »