SSA Announces 2021 Award Recipients

reid medal in box; Credit: SSA

1 June 2021–SSA is pleased to announce the recipients of several of the Society’s awards for 2020. The Harry Fielding Reid Medal, the Charles F. Richter Early Career Award and the Frank Press Public Service Award are among the highest honors conferred by the Society. 2021 Harry Fielding Reid Medal: … Continue Reading »

At Work: Emily Kleber

17 May 2021–Some days you can’t see the forest for the trees—and some days, you don’t want to see either one. For earthquake geologists like Emily Kleber, getting at the ground beneath all the distractions is the goal for learning more about natural hazards. Kleber, a project geologist with the … Continue Reading »

Space-Based System Can Provide Seismic Monitoring for Large Earthquakes, Tsunamis

GNSS station

11 May 2021–Researchers have developed a global earthquake monitoring system that uses the Global Navigational Satellite System (GNSS) to measure crustal deformation. The monitoring system within seconds can rapidly assess earthquake magnitude and fault slip distribution for earthquakes of magnitude 7.0 and larger, making it a potentially valuable tool in … Continue Reading »

Peggy Hellweg Elected SSA President-Elect

SSA logo teal graphic

23 April 2021–Peggy Hellweg, operations manager for the Berkeley Seismological Laboratory (BSL) at the University of California, Berkeley, was elected president-elect by the Board of the Seismological Society of America on 14 April. Hellweg previously served as SSA Secretary and co-chaired the 100th Anniversary Earthquake Conference, SSA’s joint meeting with … Continue Reading »