Researchers Share Strategies for Making Geosciences More Inclusive

Black in Geoscience logo

21 April 2021–Concrete efforts to bring racial equity to the geosciences are receiving significant attention in the wake of new grassroots efforts and increased awareness of social justice issues in 2020, speakers said at the Seismological Society of America (SSA)’s 2021 Annual Meeting. Last year’s Black in Geoscience Week, for … Continue Reading »

Aerial Photos Uncover an Invisible Fault in Chinese City

Datong City aerials

21 April 2021–Decades-old aerial photos of Yudong District, Datong City in Shanxi Province, Northern China have helped researchers in their search for a fault hidden underneath the city’s buildings and cement roads, researchers said at the Seismological Society of America (SSA)’s 2021 Annual Meeting. Analyzing these photos from the 1960s … Continue Reading »