Damaging Sichuan Earthquakes Linked to Fracking Operations

[讀中文] 5 April 2019–Two moderate-sized earthquakes that struck the southern Sichuan Province of China last December and January were probably caused by nearby fracking operations, according to a new study published in Seismological Research Letters. The December 2018 magnitude 5.7 and the January 2019 magnitude 5.3 earthquakes in the South … Continue Reading »

At Work: Kasey Aderhold

Kasey Aderhold

Despite growing up in Homer, Alaska, perched above the ruptured fault of the 1964 M9.2 earthquake, Kasey Aderhold didn’t initially consider a career in the geosciences. “I focused on the many other coastal fascinations that Homer provided, such as whales and estuarine ecology,” she says. But after moving to Indiana … Continue Reading »