Kinematic Source Models for Earthquake Simulations with Fault-Zone Plasticity


Fault slip and surface deformation patterns are essential factors in seismic hazard assessment. However, slip inversions reveal a widely observed shallow slip deficit (SSD) which has not yet been clearly explained. One possible cause of the SSD is distributed plastic deformation in the fault damage zone near the surface. Roten et al. (2017) performed 3D dynamic rupture simulations of the 1992 M7.3 Landers earthquake in a medium governed by Drucker-Prager plasticity. The study showed that while linear simulations tend to underpredict SSD and off-fault deformation (OFD), nonlinear simulations with moderately fractured rock mass can properly reproduce results that are consistent with the 30-60% SSD and around 46% OFD reported in geodetic observations. Analysis of the Roten et al. (2017) results show that discrepancies between linear and nonlinear simulations are only significant in the top hundreds of meters of the surface-rupturing fault. Although inelastic responses in the fault damage zone provide more realistic representations of earthquake physics, it can be computationally expensive or numerically unfeasible (e.g., in adjoint methods) to include nonlinear effects in ground motion simulations. One solution proposed here is to use an equivalent kinematic source (EKS) model that mimics the fault-zone plastic effects. This method generates source-time-functions by modifying the slip rate time histories based on comparisons of linear and non-linear dynamic rupture models, which are then used as input to kinematic simulations. The EKS model is shown to capture the SSD and OFD patterns observed in dynamic simulations with fault-zone plasticity. Further verification of the method is needed before the anticipated use in practical applications such as the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) CyberShake and Broadband platforms.


ShakeMap Ground-Motion Interpolation Using the Multivariate Normal Distribution


A key update in the next major release of ShakeMap is the application of the multivariate normal distribution (MVN) to ground motion interpolation. The MVN provides a complete solution to the problem of ground-motion interpolation, fully accounting for the correlation among the instrumental observations both spatially and across intensity measure types (IMTs), and is therefore an important improvement over the current ShakeMap interpolation scheme. Practical application of the MVN in a ShakeMap setting, however, is challenging for several reasons: 1) the large size of typical ShakeMap output grid makes computation of the complete MVN impractical on commonly available computers; 2) a large number of IMTs in the input may also inflate the required matrices to impractical dimensions; 3) the lack of currently available empirical cross-correlation functions between some ShakeMap IMTs [e.g., between peak ground velocity (PGV) and Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI)] prevents a straightforward implementation of the MVN in some cases; 4) the computation of the event-specific bias is complicated by the presence of multiple IMTs in the input and heteroskedastic inter-event residuals in some ground motion models. Here, we describe a number of adaptations and simplifying assumptions made to overcome these, and other, obstacles. For instance, we discuss a piecewise application of the MVN that produces output grids of amplitude and variance, without the necessity of computing the full covariance matrix of the output grid. We also show that the down-weighting of uncertain data as described by Worden et al. (BSSA, in press) allows for the inclusion of data converted from one IMT to another, while accounting for the uncertainty inherent in the conversion. This approach enables, for example, the inclusion of PGV data in a map of MMI despite the lack of an empirical cross-correlation function, by first applying an appropriate conversion of PGV to MMI.


General Viscoelastic Ray Theory


General ray theory recently developed for P and S body waves in layered viscoelastic media provides new insights for the travel-time and amplitude-attenuation characteristics of seismic waves in an anelastic Earth. Solutions of the forward ray tracing problems for horizontal and spherical media account for changes in velocity and attenuation of general P and S waves, which are due to changes in wave inhomogeneity induced by contrasts in intrinsic anelastic material parameters encountered by anelastic rays. These changes, which may manifest themselves as measurable variations in travel-time and amplitude-attenuation as observed at the surface, are not predicted by elastic models. In addition, viscoelastic solutions for general head waves provide a plane-wave explanation for seismic head-wave arrivals, in that the refracted anelastic solution may carry significant components of energy parallel and away from the boundary and result in ray paths reflected from deeper boundaries that are not predicted by elastic models. Solutions of inverse problems to infer the intrinsic material absorption and wave speed of anelastic Earth materials are developed to account for changes in measured travel-time and amplitude-attenuation curves due to changes in inhomogeneity of the waves along an anelastic ray path. Generalizations of the Herglotz-Wiechert integral solution from elastic to viscoelastic media are developed as an essential step in the solution of the inverse problem for anelastic horizontal and spherical media with gradients in intrinsic material absorption. These insights will be discussed in the context of the mathematical framework for general viscoelastic ray theory.


New Constraints on Seismic Anisotropy beneath the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt and Adjacent Archean Cratons Contact Boundary


We investigate seismic anisotropy signatures of Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt (EGMB) and adjacent Archean cratons, namely Singhbhum and Bastar in southeastern India. The craton and Eastern Ghats contact boundary is defined as a collisional suture which has witnessed episodes of rifting related to the breakup of supercontinent Columbia, superimposed with later episodes of collision of eastern India with Antarctica during Rodinia assembly. With intent to capture signatures of collision, 19 broadband seismic stations are installed along two distinct profiles covering craton and Eastern Ghats contact boundary. Shear wave splitting analyzes using SKS and SKKS waveforms resulted in 85 high-quality measurements. Our results reveal that the delay times vary from 0.4 s to as high as 2.0 s, and the orientation of the fast polarization directions at most of the stations are North-East directed while a few stations exhibit East-West orientations. The observed North-East orientation of the fast polarization axis lying close to the Absolute Plate Motion (APM) direction of the Indian plate are in accordance with earlier results of Indian shield, which shows the dominance of plate motion related strain of the Indian plate. The observed stacked splitting parameters concentrates on smaller delays (~0.7 s) compared to global average of ~1s observed for continental shields and Indian shield. The buck in trend akin to APM direction of Indian plate and variation in delay times among closely spaced stations is indicative of rather complex architecture and deformation patterns in suture zones formed subsequent to the Grenvilian and Pan-African orogen. Therefore, frozen anisotropy and multiple layers of anisotropy with different symmetry axis contribute to the variation of the delay times and fast polarization directions in the region, along with APM related strain of Indian plate.


Monte Carlo Simulations for Analysis and Prediction of Non-Stationary Magnitude-Frequency Distributions in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis


We describe a first principles methodology to evaluate statistically the hazard related to non-stationary seismic sources like induced seismicity. We use time-dependent Gutenberg-Richter parameters, which leads to a time-varying rate of earthquakes. This is achieved by deriving analytic expressions for occurrence rates which are verified using Monte Carlo simulations. We show two examples: (1) a synthetic case with two seismic sources (background and induced seismicity); and (2) a recent case of induced seismicity, the Horn River Basin, Northeast British Columbia. In both cases, the statistics from the Monte Carlo simulations agree with the analytical quantities. The results show that induced seismicity can change seismic hazard rates but that this greatly depends on both the duration and intensity of the non-stationary sequence as well as the chosen evaluation period. Further studies will include extensions to handle spatial source distributions as well as ground motion analysis in order to generate a complete methodology for non-stationary probabilistic seismic hazard analysis.


Numerical Simulation of M9 Megathrust Earthquakes in the Cascadia Subduction Zone


We estimate ground motions in the Pacific Northwest urban areas during M9 subduction scenario earthquakes on the Cascadia megathrust by simulating wave propagation from an ensemble of kinematic source descriptions. Velocities and densities in our computational mesh are defined by integrating the regional Cascadia Community Velocity model (V1.6, Stephenson et al., 2017) including the ocean water layer with a local velocity model of the Georgia and Seattle basins (Molnar et al., 2011) including additional near-surface velocity information. We generate six source realizations, each consisting of a background slip distribution with correlation lengths, rise times and rupture velocities consistent with data from previous megathrust earthquakes (e.g., 2011 M 9 Tohoku or 2010 M 8.8 Maule). We then superimpose M~8 subevents, characterized by short rise times and high stress drops on the background slip model to mimic high-frequency strong ground motion generation areas in the deeper portion of the rupture (Frankel, 2016). The wave propagation is simulated using the discontinuous mesh (DM) version of the AWP finite difference code. We simulate frequencies up to 1.25 Hz, using a spatial discretization of 100 m in the fine grid, resulting in surface grid dimensions of 6,540 x 10,728 mesh points. At depths below 8 km, the grid step increases to 300 m. We obtain stable and accurate results for the DM method throughout the simulation time of 7.5 mins as verified against a solution obtained with a uniform 100 m grid spacing. Peak ground velocities range between 60 and 80 cm/s in downtown Seattle and between 25 and 34 cm/s in downtown Vancouver, while spectral accelerations at 2 s range between 1.7 and 3.6 m/s2 and 1.0 and 1.3 m/s2, respectively. These long-period ground motions are not significantly reduced if plastic Drucker-Prager yielding in shallow cohesionless sediments is taken into account. Broadband synthetics (0-10Hz) are generated by a hybrid technique.
