Evolution of Aftershock Sequences Based on the Geometry of Successive Focal Mechanisms


Detailed studies of the evolution of aftershock sequences have focused overwhelmingly on the timing and location of individual earthquakes and their interpretation in terms of empirical and physical models of stress transfer controlled by the mainshock alone or by the mainshock and only the largest aftershocks. While the gross spatial and temporal features of aftershock sequences can be accounted for with this approach, the role played by smaller-scale interactions between low-magnitude aftershocks remains unclear. To date, comparatively little attention has been paid to aftershocks’ focal mechanisms, which, in principle, enable incremental stress changes associated with lower-magnitude aftershocks to be computed and incorporated in stress transfer models. In this study, we analyse the moment tensors of earthquakes that occurred in the South Island of New Zealand following the 2010 Darfield (Canterbury) and 2016 Kaikōura earthquakes. We consider the interaction between one earthquake and the next in terms of the vector joining their hypocenters and represented in a coordinate system defined by the earlier event’s focal mechanism. This approach enables us to describe the sequence of focal mechanisms with reference to a common coordinate system and thus investigate whether the faulting geometry of each aftershock contributes to the sequence’s overall evolution.



High Resolution Travel Time Tomography with Local Sparsity Regularization and Dictionary Learning, with Application to Ambient Noise Tomography on a Dense Seismic Array


We present a 2D travel time tomography method which models rectangular groups of slowness pixels from discrete slowness maps, called patches, as sparse linear combinations of atoms from a dictionary. We further propose to adapt the dictionary atoms to slowness data using dictionary learning, a form of unsupervised machine learning. We call this sparse regularization the local model, as it constrains the local or small-scale relationships of the pixels. Relative to conventional tomography methods, which constrain models to be exclusively smooth or discontinuous, the sparse local model permits smooth and discontinuous features where warranted by data. In this locally-sparse travel time tomography (LST) method, the local model is integrated via an averaging procedure with the overall slowness map, called the global model, which constrains large-scale features using L2-norm regularization. Since LST does not enforce global pixel correlations, the global slowness is obtained by inverting a sparse tomography matrix, which requires less computation than dense matrices of equivalent dimension. With efficient dictionary learning algorithms, the LST method scales well to tomography problems with large numbers of rays and pixels. We develop a maximum a posteriori formulation for LST, which is solved as an iterative inversion algorithm. We apply the LST approach to ambient noise tomography on a dense seismic array located in Long Beach, California (2011) and obtain high resolution Rayleigh surface wave phase speed maps of the region. This ‘large N’ array contained more than 5200 stations resulting in ~14 million unique ray paths. The new maps obtained are consistent with previous results, and show increased contrast along fault lines. Further, the distribution of phase speeds show strong correlation with underlying oil fields in the area (Long Beach, Wilmington), indicating that the Rayleigh waves resolve surface sediments related to the hydrocarbon areas.



The September 2017 Earthquakes in Mexico from Social Media


After the earthquakes of September 7 (local time) and 19, 2017, in Mexico, much of the activity of Mexican seismologists has clarified the popular concern about the possible unique characteristics of these. From another point of view, a particularity is evident: the most significant earthquakes and consequences in Mexico have been social media. In perspective, it is indisputable that for institutions and experts in seismology – because it is always in the collective interest as constantly as the movements of the earth – one of the challenges is also communication. The great demand for reliable and detailed information on these earthquakes -and their consequences- originated a public discourse that, by itself, emphasized technical concepts to make them accessible and supported the demystification, changing even the general interests on the subject. It is also true that false and apocryphal information, massive rumors and disinformation were especially adverse. Recognizing that several negative aspects are not exclusive or intrinsic to digital platforms, we must be more explicit how to lessen their impact. An analysis of the dissemination of these seismic events through social media (of the Mexican Servicio Sismológico Nacional, National Seismological Service, in particular) and the behavior of users, allows us to make some proposals for a better practice when reporting seismic events (seismic and seismicity reports), also contemplating diverse characteristic aspects of the magnitude, location, mechanism, and technological tools for the transmission of information. More importantly, this brief work leads to reassess the role of disseminators of science that should be appropriated by institutions responsible for providing seismic information to the population.



A Convolutional Neural Network for Intermediate-Depth Earthquake Detection and Magnitude Estimation


Earthquake detection remains one of the fundamental operations in observational seismology. Despite the explosion in quality and quantity of seismic data our ability to build dense and complete seismicity catalogs remains limited. Recent approaches exploit the self-similarity of earthquakes and rely on using the waveforms of a few well known events as templates. Terabytes of continuous seismic signals at multiple stations are cross-correlated against these templates and thousands of events with high waveform similarity may be easily identified. This procedure, known as template matching, is computationally expensive and fails for events whose waveforms are significantly different from the templates. Also, the magnitudes of completeness of intermediate-depth earthquake catalogs are typically large. A dense catalog with a small magnitude of completeness not only allows for a detailed study of seismicity patterns, but also enables the mapping of small-scale b-value anomalies. We propose a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture for the simultaneous detection of intermediate-depth earthquakes, the precise picking of p- and s- wave arrival times and the estimation of their local magnitude. We test our implementation using a synthetically generated dataset and propose a training scheme that leverages both real and synthetic data for optimal results. As an example we apply our technique to a cluster of intermediate-depth intraplate earthquakes in northern Chile. We are able to detect eight times more events than in the initial catalog and use the picked arrival times to relocate them. We clearly resolve a double-planed structure at depth. Furthermore, we build a detailed b-value map and find that high b-value anomalies correlate well with regions were dehydration is expected.



NGA-Subduction Research Program


This presentation provides an overview of the NGA-Sub, a large multidisciplinary community-based research initiative to develop a comprehensive ground-motion database and multiple ground-motion models (GMMs) for subduction events. In this community-based project, we developed a database of ground motions recorded in worldwide subduction events. The database includes the processed recordings and supporting source, path, and site metadata from Japan, Taiwan, the US Pacific Northwest, Alaska, Latin America (including Mexico, Peru and Chile), and New Zealand. The NGA-Sub database includes 1,570 events with moment magnitudes ranging from 4 to 9.1. The subduction events are classified as interface, intraslab, or outer-rise events. The NGA-Sub ground-motion database has over 180,000 component records. This is by far the largest ground motion database that we have ever developed in any NGA project. Pseudo-spectral acceleration as well as Fourier amplitude spectra for frequencies from 0.1 to 100 Hz have been included in the database. In NGA-Sub, using the empirical ground-motion database and the supporting ground-motion simulations, multiple GMMs are developed. Following the tradition of previous NGA projects, the GMM modeling teams as well as database developers have had continuous technical interactions which resulted in much higher quality of the final products than each researcher could achieved individually. An overview of the NGA-Sub project is presented in this presentation.



Analysis of the Ground Motions of the September 7th and 19th 2017 Tehuantepec and Puebla-Morelos Earthquakes


We examine the observed ground motions from the 2017 M8.2 Tehuantepec and M7.1 Puebla-Morelos earthquakes and their relations to predicted ground motions. These two events were both deep (>50 km), inslab, normal-faulting events that caused significant damage to various regions of Mexico and with respect to megathrust events represent comparatively small but non-trival components of seismicity and hazard in the country. Ground-motion prediction equations (GMPEs) are an integral part of seismic hazard assessment – from hazard maps to rapid-response ShakeMaps, providing a framework for understanding median ground motions in a region as well as interpreting physical processes. We compute ground motion residuals for the Tehuantepec and Puebla-Morelos earthquakes from four GMPEs to study regional differences – a regional GMPE (Garcia et al., 2005), global inslab and active shallow-crust GMPEs (Zhao et al., 2006), and a subduction zone GMPE with inslab event adjustments (BC Hydro, or Abrahamson et al., 2015). Ground motions from both events are well-modeled at the near-source (Repi < 20km) stations, indicating that they have average stress drop for their event-type. While recordings of the Puebla-Morelos earthquake are generally well-modeled, the Tehuantepec earthquake is not well-modeled by any GMPE due to low attenuation at longer distances (Rrup > 100km). Finally, there are significant basin effects for both earthquakes in Mexico City and Puebla at periods longer than SA 0.5s. Large, positive residuals are observed in these locations, and additionally, are observed in Oaxaca during the Tehuantepec earthquake for higher frequencies (~SA 1.0s to PGA). This indicates that basins and valley regions are not appropriately modeled with basic site terms and Vs30 relationships, and require more work to adequately represent the amplified ground motions that may be observed in such densely-populated regions.

