Electronic Supplement to
A Nonergodic Ground-Motion Model for California with Spatially Varying Coefficients

by Niels Landwehr, Nicolas M. Kuehn, Tobias Scheffer, and Norman Abrahamson

This electronic supplement consists of tables that contain the values of the correlation functions θ, ρ, and π (see equation 8 of the main article) for the different periods. For the coefficients that do not vary with location or are fixed, the respective value is not a number (NaN). It also contains maps showing the spatially varying coefficients across California for periods other than peak ground acceleration (PGA).


Table S1 [Plain Text Comma-separated Values; ~378 B] Parameters of the correlation function for PGA.

Table S2 [Plain Text Comma-separated Values; ~364 B] Parameters of the correlation function for period T = 0.02 s.

Table S3 [Plain Text Comma-separated Values; ~366 B] Parameters of the correlation function for period T = 0.05 s.

Table S4 [Plain Text Comma-separated Values; ~362 B] Parameters of the correlation function for period T = 0.1 s.

Table S5 [Plain Text Comma-separated Values; ~365 B] Parameters of the correlation function for period T = 0.2 s.

Table S6 [Plain Text Comma-separated Values; ~362 B] Parameters of the correlation function for period T = 0.5 s.

Table S7 [Plain Text Comma-separated Values; ~347 B] Parameters of the correlation function for period T = 1 s.

Table S8 [Plain Text Comma-separated Values; ~348 B] Parameters of the correlation function for period T = 4 s.


Figure S1. Spatial variation of coefficients for PGA.

Figure S2. Spatial variation of coefficients for period T = 0.02 s.

Figure S3. Spatial variation of coefficients for period T = 0.05 s.

Figure S4. Spatial variation of coefficients for period T = 0.1 s.

Figure S5. Spatial variation of coefficients for period T = 0.2 s.

Figure S6. Spatial variation of coefficients for period T = 0.5 s.

Figure S7. Spatial variation of coefficients for period T = 1 s.

Figure S8. Spatial variation of coefficients for period T = 4 s.

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