This electronic supplement contains composite logs for the explosions conducted in Barre, Vermont. Well logging was conducted in the evacuated boreholes for three explosions ([Log S1] S1-3, [Log S2] S2-2, and [Log S3] S2-4) in August 2015. The logging included caliper, acoustic televiewer (ATV), and optical televiewer (OTV). Shots S2-2 and S2-4 were detonated using ammonium nitrate fuel oil (ANFO). Shot S1-3 was detonated using factory-made composition B (COMP B) charge.
Log S1 [Adobe PDF; ~3.6 MB]. COMP-B shot S1-3.
Log S2 [Adobe PDF; ~2.9 MB]. ANFO shot S2-2.
Log S3 [Adobe PDF; ~4.5 MB]. ANFO shot S2-4.
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