Special Issue on Modern Seismic Tomography
The Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (BSSA) is soliciting manuscripts for a Special Issue on Modern Seismic Tomography.
Seismic tomography is the art and science of translating recordings of seismic waves into quantitative images of the Earth’s interior. Conceptualised around 50 years ago, the family of seismic tomography methods has grown and diversified rapidly, thereby evolving into one of the cornerstones of geoscience. Seismic tomography reveals the dynamics and composition of the Earth and other planetary bodies, illuminates the structure of active volcanoes and fault zones, provides information on deep reservoirs and storage sites, and enables the accurate simulation of earthquake-induced ground motion in densely populated sedimentary basins.
Despite remarkable progress, numerous challenges remain. They include, but are not limited to, (1) the joint inversion for multiple parameters with low sensitivity, such as attenuation, density, complex forms of anisotropy, and internal boundary topography, (2) limited data coverage, especially in the oceans and developing countries, (3) the quantification of resolution and uncertainties in non-linear tomography and for computationally intense full-waveform approaches, (4) limitations in computational resources and resulting limitations in exploitable bandwidth, (5) the proper treatment of the ocean layer, and (6) model development over multiple scales.
This BSSA Special Issue invites innovative and creative contributions that address these and other challenges in seismic tomography by harnessing new opportunities in high-performance computing, emerging numerical methods, optimal experimental and misfit functional design, non-linear optimisation, Bayesian inference and Monte Carlo sampling, novel types of seismic data, or the combination of existing techniques with machine-learning approaches.
Guest Editors for this Special Issue:
- Andreas Fichtner, ETH Zurich (andreas.fichtner@erdw.ethz.ch)
- Arwen Deuss, Utrecht University (a.f.deuss@uu.nl).
- Sergei Lebedev, University of Cambridge (sl2072@cam.ac.uk)
- Nicholas Rawlinson, University of Cambridge (nr441@cam.ac.uk)
- Clifford Thurber, University of Wisconsin-Madison (cthurber@wisc.edu)
Deadline for Submission: 15 September 2023
Papers submitted in advance of the deadline will be reviewed as they are received, published online soon after they are accepted and published collectively in print in the April 2024 issue.
In preparing manuscripts, authors must follow BSSA’s author guidelines at https://www.seismosoc.org/publications/bssa-submission-guidelines/. Papers must be submitted via BSSA’s online submission system (www.edmgr.com/bssa) under the category “Modern Seismic Tomography.”
Please address questions about scientific issues to the guest editors at their respective email addresses or to BSSA Editor-in-Chief P. Martin Mai at bssaeditor@seismosoc.org. Submission-related questions should be addressed to Hannah Calhoun, BSSA manuscript coordinator, at bssamss@seismosoc.org.