SRL Call For Papers

SRL Data Mine Focus Section: 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence

Purpose: Early, rapid publication of data sets sought to aid research on earthquake

The ongoing seismic activity near Ridgecrest, California is proving to be a complex and possible paradigm Seismological Research Letters Logochanging earthquake sequence. Large data sets are currently being collected, which will aid in the extensive, multidisciplinary research needed to fully understand this earthquake sequence and its implications. To enable the exchange and dissemination of data sets collected during the Ridgecrest earthquake sequence, Seismological Research Letters (SRL) is announcing a Data Mine Focus Section. We are soliciting papers describing data sets including but not limited to seismic data, GPS and InSAR measurements, and surface slip measurements. Processed data sets and products, such as relocated foreshock/aftershock catalogs and slip inversions are also welcome.

When preparing papers for submission authors should follow the guidelines for Data Mine submissions ( SRL will expedite the review and online publication of papers, which will be collated and published in a single print issue in 2020 (to be determined). To ensure inclusion in the print issue, papers should be submitted by 1 October 2019.

SRL also welcomes papers discussing early results of this sequence, which should be submitted as regular articles. It is anticipated that BSSA will soon be announcing a special section or issue on the Ridgecrest sequence, which may be more appropriate for in-depth and highly technical research papers.

Queries regarding the SRL Data Mine Focus Section should be directed to Data Mine Editor Taka’aki Taira ( and questions about regular articles on the Ridgecrest sequence to Editor-in-Chief Allison Bent (