Volcano Monitoring in the Americas
Seismological Research Letters (SRL) is soliciting papers for a Focus Section on Volcano Monitoring in the Americas.
From Tierra del Fuego to Alaska, the Americas are scattered with volcanoes that form part of the everyday life of people. Whether they are located in remote regions, close to highly populated urban centers, or underwater, volcanoes pose a threat to populations on the ground, in the air, and in the ocean. For decades, geophysicists and geologists have made the heroic effort to monitor the state of active volcanoes across the Americas and to share technology and knowledge, leading to the better understanding of eruptive cycles, improved hazard maps, and even some successful cases of eruption prediction.
This SRL focus section aims to highlight the state-of-the-art of volcano monitoring in Latin America, the Caribbean, the United States, and Canada. We welcome papers that address recent scientific advancements in the use of seismology and/or infrasound to monitor volcanoes, but encourage multidisciplinary approaches that also utilize data outside the seismoacoustic wavefield, such as geodesy, remote sensing, flow modeling, or geochemistry. Our focus broadly includes efforts to understand volcanic phenomena in all stages of the eruptive cycle: from assessment of background seismicity, detection of potential unrest, and characterizations of precursory, co-eruptive, and post-eruptive volcanic activity. We are particularly interested in submissions that explore applications across these domains with direct implications for monitoring and risk mitigation (e.g., machine learning, signal processing, and modeling).
We invite researchers and experts to submit original research, reviews, and case studies that address the following themes: (1) New techniques and technologies for early warning and precursory monitoring. (2) In-depth analyses of co-eruptive processes and real-time data processing and interpretation. (3) Innovative approaches involving machine learning, signal processing, and modeling applied to volcano monitoring.
Guest Editors for this Special Issue:
- Cristian Farias, Universidad Católica de Temuco (cristian.farias@uct.cl)
- Ricardo Garza-Giron, Colorado State University (rickygg@colostate.edu)
- Matthew Haney, USGS, Alaska Volcano Observatory (mhaney@usgs.gov)
- Alicia Hotovec-Ellis, USGS, California Volcano Observatory (ahotovec-ellis@usgs.gov)
- Susana Layana, Universidad Católica del Norte (susana.layana@ckelar.org)
- Gregory Waite, Michigan Technical University (gpwaite@mtu.edu)
Deadline for Submission: 26 February 2024
Articles accepted to this SRL Special Issue on Volcano Monitoring in the Americas will be published online soon after acceptance and collectively in print in the September 2024 issue. Papers will be reviewed as they are received and published online prior to the print issue.
In preparing manuscripts, authors must follow the SRL author guidelines at www.seismosoc.org/publications/srl-authorsinfo/. Papers must be submitted via the SRL online submission system (www.edmgr.com/srl) under the category “Volcano Monitoring in the Americas.”
Please address questions about scientific issues to the guest editors or SRL Editor-in-Chief Allison Bent at srleditor@seismosoc.org. Submission-related questions should be addressed to the SRL Editorial Office at srl@seismosoc.org.