SRL Call for Papers

Advances in Ocean Monitoring

Seismological Research Letters (SRL) is soliciting papers for a Focus Section on Advances in Ocean Monitoring.

Significant advances have been realized in physical observation and modeling in the marine environment, driven both by the importance of extending Earth observation networks into the >70% of the solid Earth that lies beneath the seas, and by the critical need to improve our observational and modeling capacity for the oceans themselves. Our understanding of the fundamental plate tectonics and Earth structure continues to improve with expanded marine deployments, and improvements in data quality. Earthquake and tsunami early warning can be greatly improved by the presence of reliable real-time data from the seafloor. Climate change is driving rapid evolution of wave propagation and noise environments in polar regions, which can directly affect both our observational thresholds and our ability to locate events using hydroacoustic signals. The very real consequences of sea-level rise due to climate change, such as greater storm and tsunami inundations, may be better predicted with ubiquitous seafloor pressure and temperature sensing, and impacts to ecosystems can likewise be evaluated using these methods.

New sensing technologies are evolving at a rapid pace, and new analyses based upon seafloor or subsurface water column sensing are driving this frontier of seismoacoustic and geophysical research. Work in this challenging marine environment is blurring the lines between geophysics, cryoseismology, and physical oceanography, while also cultivating much needed international collaborations.  We welcome contributions relevant to this multidisciplinary arena, from observational, modeling, and prediction perspectives, as well as novel technologies, sensor development and societal applications.

Guest Editors for this Special Issue:

Deadline for Submission: 9 September 2024

Articles accepted to this SRL Focus Section on Advances in Ocean Monitoring will be published online soon after acceptance and collectively in print in the March 2025 issue. Papers will be reviewed as they are received and published online prior to the print issue.

In preparing manuscripts, authors must follow the SRL author guidelines at Papers must be submitted via the SRL online submission system ( under the category “Focus Section – Advances in Ocean Monitoring.”

Please address questions about scientific issues to the guest editors or SRL Editor-in-Chief Allison Bent at Submission-related questions should be addressed to the SRL Editorial Office at