Call for Papers: Focus Section on Arctic and Antarctic Seismology

Seismological Research Letters (SRL) announces the Focus Section on Arctic and Antarctic Seismology.

The Polar Regions have long been recognized as a natural laboratory that attracted seismologists, despite the challenges that inaccessibility and harsh climatic conditions impose on observation. The road to understanding ultra-slow seafloor spreading, intraplate seismicity and the role of post-glacial rebound, as well as paleotectonics often leads to these regions. The urgent need to monitor and interpret dynamics processes and changes in the cryosphere, and their interrelations to climate change, has recently established seismology as a very appropriate instrument to study the surge of glaciers, basal stick-slip and properties, iceberg calving and drift, as well as for retrieving the structure of ice layers and permafrost, based on the study of cryogenic seismic signals.

We invite papers covering the full spectrum of seismological research in the Arctic and Antarctica, from tectonic seismicity and Earth structure to cryoseismic manifestations of glacier and ice dynamics and the structure of ice. We also welcome contributions on challenges and solutions to seismological observation in the Polar environment.

Guest editors for the SRL Focus Section on Arctic and Antarctic Seismology are:

Myrto Pirli (Independent Researcher, Norway) 

Peter Voss (Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland)

Submission Deadline: No longer accepting submissions

Papers were published online ahead of the print publication.

Published Print Issue: SRL Volume 92, Issue 5; September 2021

Address questions about scientific issues to the guest editors or SRL Editor-in-Chief Allison Bent at Address questions about submissions to the SRL Editorial Office at